来源:优易学  2011-10-6 11:25:00   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

  What kind of clothes do you like?

  What’s the difference between the opinions of men and women on clothes?

  Do you like buying clothes?

  Do you often wear formal or informal clothes?

  Do you think that color is important when you buy clothes?

  What do people grow in park?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of parks?

  What do people do in the park?

  Do you like taking photos?

  On what kind of situations do you take photos?

  Could you tell me one of your happy experiences of taking photos?

  Do you like drawing?

  What are the benefits of drawing?

  What are the benefits of drawing for adults?

  Do you think the art is important to life?

  Can you give an example of arts you learn?

  What kind of art do you like?

  What kind of art experience did you have when you were young?

  What kind of art are you good at?

  When did you begin to read newspaper?

  What’s the difference between Chinese newspapers?

  When do people send gifts in China?

  What did you give and receive?

  What gifts are popular in China?

  What have you given to others and who did you send gifts to?


  Part 2


第二部分 31
邻居 88 48
朋友88 50
老人88 52
环境污染88 63
商场 72
艺术品88 80
衣服或者首饰8888 83
设备88 87
礼物88 92
将来想买的物品8888 97
喜爱的体育锻炼88 114
电视节目88 119
期刊杂志88 122
擅长的技能 131
学校88 143
动物88 145
学英语8888 151
公园、花园88 161
江河湖海(a place with water)88 163
帮助 180
旅游 183
四季88 196
积极改变 200
愉快经历 205
快乐事件88 206
信件、邮件 209
公司 214
工作 217
趣闻 221
喜欢的游戏 224
有趣的时光88 232
童年往事 234
孩子88 236
书籍88 240
电影88 243
婚礼 252
照片88 259
聚会88 262
拜访88 266
合作项目 268
英语课的有趣活动8888 建议8888 284 286
名人88 291
工作优秀的人 88 学友 88 擅长某技能的人 295 296 296 
艺术品88888888 298
想学的另一门外语 88 一部法律 表演 308 309 310

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