2009年雅思口语新话题解析:A Childhood Song
来源:优易学  2011-1-15 13:44:37   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

A Childhood Song

Describe a song that you remember from your childhood.

You should say:

  • when and where you learned it
  • how you learned this song
  • what the song is about

and explain how you felt when you used to sing this song.


1. 歌曲的名字不需要太过执着。如果你真的听过,可以描述一个真实的外文儿歌,比如《音乐之声》里的《DO-RE-MI》,必然能和考官产生共鸣。如果你没有听过,随便编一个名字就可以了,因为名字并不是考官考察的点。这里我建议大家随意编个名字,毕竟描述考官知道的那些脍炙人口的儿歌,局限性太大,不利于我们自由发挥想象力。

2. 歌曲的内容可以是任何关于题材的,冒险、风景、游戏、家庭。大家可以自由发挥。

3. 要给考官重点描述一下这首歌当时或现在给你带来什么感觉。这里有很多可说的,比如: 使我高兴cheered me up,使我振作lift me up,重现童年美好时光brings back the good times,甚至至今都使我激动不已still thrills me today.

素材库 when and where you learned it?

1.  The song that brings back memories for me is 《……》 from smash mouth.

2.  When i was about 4 up to 8 maybe, when i was over my grandmothers house, every morning we would take my grandmother to dialysis, and on our way back home, the song《……》would come on every time.

3.  《……》comes to mind. It used to be played often, during a special, favorite time of my life.

4.  《……》by Eric Clapton my mom used play it while she tucked me in bed.

5.  《……》!Heard it playing in Disney Land in our hotel lobby when I was like 5 or 6. Every time I hear it now it just reminds me of happy times.

6.  Too many to count! 《……》 《……》 《……》... But the best one I would say: 《……》

7.  My parents were always arguing. I remember sitting up in my room a few times listening to this song and crying....

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