来源:优易学  2011-11-12 17:09:03   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   职业书店
  绿豆芽炒肉丝 Fried shredded pork with green bean sprouts
  绿豆芽炒鱿鱼 Fried shredded squid with green bean sprouts
  绿豌豆咖喱肉末 Curried minced pork with green peas
  绿豌豆黄油炒饭 Fried rice with green peas in butter
  伦敦十字面包 London hot cross buns
  罗汉炒面 Fried noodles with mixed vegetable
  罗汉大虾 “Luohan”king prawans
  罗汉扒大鸭 Braised duck with mixed vegetable
  罗汉扒豆腐 Braised bean curd with mixed vegetables
  罗汉斋 Buddha′s feast(stewed mixed vegetable)
  罗马式鸡 Italian style chicken
  罗宋浓汤 Russian style soup
  萝卜丝拌海蜇皮 Jellyfish mixed with shredded turnip
  萝卜煨干贝 Stewed scallop with diced turnip
  萝卜丝饼 Patty with turnip shreds
  裸麦面包 Rye bread
  麻花 Chinese doughnut
  麻辣白肉 Meat with cayenne pepper
  麻辣膀丝 Sliced pork with cayenne pepper
  麻辣干烧牛肉 Dry beef with cayenne pepper
  麻辣鸡 Chicken with cayenne pepper
  麻辣鸡丁 Chicken cubes with cayenne pepper
  麻辣牛肉 Saute beef with cayenne pepper
  麻辣田鸡 Fried frogs with cayenne pepper
  麻婆豆腐 Bean curd with mince and chili oil(Ma Po′s bean curd)
  麻婆粉丝 Vermicelli with pork in hot sauce
  麻婆虾仁 Shrimp with chilli
  麻雀鱼 Sparrow fish

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