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  Overview of characters
  Main characters
  Carrie Bradshaw —— Sarah Jessica Parker
  She is the narrator of each episode. Each episode is structured around her train of thought while writing her weekly column, "Sex and the City," for the fictitious newspaper the New York Star. A member of the New York glitterati, she is a club/bar/restaurant staple who is known for her unique fashion sense (particularly footwear: Manolo Blahniks to be exact). This is evident in the episode "The Real Me" in season four, when she is asked by Lynne Cameron (played by Margaret Cho) to be in a New York fashion show. She works on her PowerBook in her apartment, writing newspaper articles focusing on the different aspects of a relationship. In later seasons, her essays are collected as a book and she begins taking assignments from Vogue and New York Magazine. Carrie is house-proud; her one-bedroom, rent-controlled apartment is in an Upper East Side brownstone. Carrie is a simple/open-minded girl looking for love, but also having fun in the process. She experiences moments of both happiness in her independence and loneliness, and is probably the most relative to normal everyday females. Most can relate to her. Despite several long-term boyfriends, Carrie is entangled with "Mr. Big" (Chris Noth) in a complicated, multifaceted on-and-off-again kind of relationship.
  Samantha Jones —— Kim Cattrall
  She is the oldest and most sexually confident of the foursome. Samantha is an independent businesswoman, with a career in public relations. She is confident, strong, outspoken, and calls herself a "try-sexual" (meaning she’ll try anything once). One of Samantha’s best qualities is her loyalty to her friends. She believes that she has had "hundreds" of soulmates and requires that her sexual partners leave, "an hour after I climax." During the course of the show it is revealed that Samantha’s glamorous, impenetrable facade and dismissive approach to love actually hide a sensitive, caring nature. Samantha has a number of relationships in the show . In Season 6, Samantha’s character further develops when she is suddenly diagnosed with cancer when visiting a plastic surgeon for a breast implant consultation. An operation and chemotherapy challenge Samantha, but she beats cancer and it becomes clear the experience has renewed her with a new perspective on life and love with her most permanent and fulfilling relationship yet, with a younger man, the handsome model/actor, Smith Jerrod. In the movie, Samantha is still in love with Smith, they are living in California, where both of their careers are running fast. She begins to ask herself if a stable relationship is really for her.
  Charlotte York —— Kristin Davis
  She works in an art gallery and has had a conventional Connecticut upbringing. She is the most optimistic of the group, the one who places the most emphasis on emotional love as opposed to lust, and is a true romantic; always searching for her "knight in shining armor." She scoffs at the lewder, more libertine antics of her friends (primarily Samantha), presenting a more traditional attitude about relationships, usually based around "the rules" of love and dating. Despite her traditional outlook, she has been known to make concessions (while married) that even surprise her more sexually liberated girlfriends. Charlotte was a "straight A" student who attended Smith College where she was a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma (note that there are no sororities at the real Smith College) majoring in art history with a minor in finance. During the series, it is also revealed that Charlotte was voted homecoming queen, prom queen, "most popular," student body president, track team captain and was active as a cheerleader and teen model. After a long struggle to get pregnant and one miscarriage, Charlotte and her husband adopt a little girl from China and named her Lily, after Charlotte’s favourite flower. In the 2008 movie, Charlotte is still in love with her husband and Lily is now four years old. Unexpectedly, Charlotte discovers that she is pregnant and gives birth to a girl at the end of the movie. The baby is named Rose.
  She is a career-minded lawyer with extremely cynical views on relationships and men. A Harvard Law School graduate from Philadelphia with two siblings, she is Carrie’s best friend, confidante, and voice of reason. In the early seasons, she is portrayed as masculine and borderline misandric, but this image softens over the years, particularly after she becomes pregnant by her on/off boyfriend, Steve Brady, whom she eventually marries. The birth of her son, Brady Hobbes, brings up new issues for her Type A, workaholic personality, but she soon finds a way to balance career, being single and motherhood. Of the four women, she is the first to purchase her own apartment (across the park from Carrie, on the Upper West Side), and later a home in Brooklyn. In the 2008 movie, Miranda is dealing with the choice of either divorcing Steve or forgiving him after he admits that he has had sex with somebody else outside their marriage.
  Miranda Hobbes —— Cynthia Nixon
  Also starring
  Mr. Big/John Preston —— Chris Noth —— Seasons 1 - 6 + Movie
  "Mr. Big" (aka Big) is a pseudonym for the charming, attractive, sarcastic, and wealthy love interest for Carrie Bradshaw. He is the reason for many of Carrie’s breakdowns as he never seemed ready to fully commit to Carrie. During the course of the series he marries Natasha, who is ten years younger than Carrie. An affair with Carrie destroys Big’s marriage and Carrie’s relationship with her other major love interest, furniture designer Aidan. In the final episode, Mr. Big realizes that life without Carrie is nothing. He is a big jazz fan and a heavy cigar smoker with plenty of money to burn. His name was not revealed until the end of the series finale.
  Steve Brady —— David Eigenberg —— Seasons 2 - 6 + Movie
  He is Miranda’s on and off boyfriend throughout the series since he was introduced in the second season. He eventually marries Miranda at the end of Season 6, after they had a child together at the end of Season 4. He is one of the few men on the show meant to counter-balance all the emotionally unstable men encountered throughout the series, as he is a constant and sensitive male character. His alcoholic mother, Mary Brady, played by Anne Meara, is also a prominent recurring character.
  Aidan Shaw —— Willie Garson —— Seasons 1 - 6 + Movie
  He is Carrie’s best friend outside of the three women. A gay talent agent from an aristocratic family with a sense of style paralleled only by Carrie’s, viewers receive the impression that they have a long-standing relationship built within their younger, wilder days in the New York City club and bar scene in the 1980s. He had said that they have been friends since Carrie was riding the subways and wearing Candie’s. The only supporting character to receive his own storylines on occasion, Stanford represents the show’s most constant gay point of view to sex on the show, generally based on the physical insecurities and inadequacies of someone who does not "have that gay look." In the last two seasons of the show, he is partnered with Broadway dancer Marcus Adente, however in the movie, he is single. He is sometimes associated with Anthony Marentino, a gay wedding planner, and friend to Charlotte.
  Smith Jerrod —— Jason Lewis —— Season 6 + Movie
  He is a young waiter Samantha seduces. She tries to maintain her usual sex-only relationship with him, but he slowly pushes for something more. He is a wannabe actor whose career Samantha jump starts using her PR connections (including changing his name to "Smith Jerrod" from "Jerry Jerrod"), getting him a modeling job that turns into a film role. Just when she thinks Smith’s age and experiences aren’t enough for her, he gives her unconditional support during her fight with breast cancer. In the final episode, Smith flies back from a film set in Canada just to tell her that he loves her, which she counters with "You have meant more to me than any man I’ve ever known," which, for Samantha, is a far greater statement than it might be for anyone else.
  Harry Goldenblatt —— Evan Handler —— Seasons 5 - 6 + Movie
  He is Charlotte’s Jewish divorce lawyer who is incredibly attracted to her from the beginning. She is not attracted to him initially, but tries to pursue a sex-only relationship with him, which leads to one of exclusivity and love as opposed to her relationship with Trey, which was reversed in this aspect. After her conversion to Judaism and one big argument that sends them in separate directions for a few weeks, the two marry and begin trying to have/adopt a child. In the end, they are approved for a Chinese adoption and adopt a girl.
  Aleksandr Petrovsky —— Mikhail Baryshnikov —— Season 6
  Referred to by Carrie occasionally as "The Russian", he is a famous artist who becomes Carrie’s lover in the final season. He sweeps her off her feet with huge romantic gestures and shows her the foreign pockets of New York that she has never seen before. Her relationship with him brings up all sorts of questions in Carrie’s mind about finding love past "a certain age" and whether or not she wants children. When he’s preparing to return to Paris for a solo exhibit he invites Carrie to come live with him, which, after several deliberations (and one fight) with her friends, she does. After spending some time there, she realizes that he will never reciprocate the level of emotional involvement that she offers because his life and career will always come first.

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