托福口语考试第5题总结 学生困难解决题
来源:优易学  2011-6-15 13:16:06   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
 task5 学生困难解决题
  The man’s problem is the professor asks the man to send the paper to him, but the man accidentally erased the final draft of research paper from the computer, and he doesn’t have any backup, so he has a problem. To help the man solve this problem, the woman gives him two possible solutions. Firstly, to dial the emergency call number, thus the technical department can recover the files. And secondly, to give a call to professor to ask for an extension. Personally, I recommend that the man should take the woman’s second solution. In this way, he can not only save money, but also hand in the paper, which means that he can keep a balance between these two activities.
  11.3 www.examda.com/toefl
  The woman wants to select Mr. Brown’s French Revolution course, but she has to look after sister, because her sister gave birth to a baby and sister’s husband had been sent abroad, so she has a time conflict. To help the woman solve this problem, the man gives her two possible solutions. Firstly, to select the course next semester. And secondly, to ask the neighbors to take care of her sister for a while, after class, she can start to look after sister. Personally, I recommend that the woman should take the man’s second solution. In this way, she can not only select the French Revolution course but also look after her sister, which means that she can keep a balance between these two activities.
  The man wants to go to the theater to see his sister act a play, but he has no change for parking fee, so he has a problem. To help the man solve this problem, the woman gives him two possible solutions. First, to ask people in the parking lot for some change. And second, to park the car at the street corner to avoid parking fee. Personally, I recommend that the man should take the woman’s first solution. In this way, he can not only arrive at the theater on time, but also avoid the fine, which means that he can keep a balance between these two activities.
  The man gets a part time job in professor Barren’s summer project, he has to work on campus for the whole summer, but he doesn’t apply for the school housing before the deadline, so he has a problem. To help the man solve this problem, the woman gives him two possible solutions. Firstly, to stay with his parents and drive to campus. And secondly, to rent an apartment around campus. Personally, I recommend that the man should take the woman’s first solution. In this way, he can not only work on campus for the whole summer but also save money to rent an apartment, which means that he can keep a balance between these two activities.
  12.15 www.examda.com/toefl
  The woman wants to attend celebration, because she wins a prize at the best reporter of the school radio program, but she has to take a philosophy exam at the same time, so she has a time conflict. To help the woman solve this problem, the man gives her two possible solutions. Firstly, to finish the philosophy exam first and then attend the ceremony. And secondly, to ask the professor for a postpone. Personally, I recommend that the woman should take the man’s first solution. In this way, she can not only attend the ceremony but also take the philosophy exam, which means that she can keep a balance between these two activities.
  1 答疑
  The woman’s problem is she doesn’t understand what the professor taught in the class. To help the woman solve this problem, the man gives her two possible solutions. Firstly, to ask the professor directly . And secondly, to ask the teaching assistant. Personally, I recommend that the woman should take the man’s second solution. In this way, she can not only attain the knowledge the professor taught in class today but also avoid making the professor angry and get along well with the professor, which means that she can keep a balance between these two activities.
  One of the woman’s students want to extend the examination because she have to take part in the swimming competition, but the school doesn’t permit the make up examination,so she has a problem. To help the woman solve this problem, the man gives her two possible solutions. Firstly, to give her an exception. And secondly, to ask this student to write paper. Personally, I recommend that the woman should take the man’s first solution. In this way, it can not only satisfy other students, but also have no impact on the girl’s competition, which means that she can keep a balance between these two activities.(这两个活动该怎么说)
  The woman wants to , but , so she has a time conflict. To help the woman solve this problem, the man gives her two possible solutions. Firstly, to . And secondly, to . Personally, I recommend that the woman should take the man’s solution. In this way, she can not only but also , which means that she can keep a balance between these two activities.

