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来源:优易学  2011-9-29 10:52:32   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
their shoes to be called "footwear 
for yuppies" is that _______. 
A) they believe that their shoes are popular with people of different age groups 
B) new production lines have been added to produce inexpensive shoes 
C) "yuppies" usually evokes a negative image 
D) the term makes people think of prohibitive prices 
37.Reebok's view that "consumers judge the quality of the brand by the quality of its 
distribution" (Line 5, Para. 2)implies that ______. 
A) the quality of a brand is measured by the service quality of the store selling it 
B) the quality of a product determines the quality of its distributors 
C) the popularity of a brand is determined by the stores that sell it 
D) consumers believe that first-rate products are only sold by high-quality stores 
38.Reebok once had to limit the number of its distributors because ______. 
A) its supply of products fell short of demand 
B) too many distributors would cut into its profits 
C) the reduction of distributors could increase its share of the market 
D) it wanted to enhance consumer confidence in its products 
39.Although the Reebok Company has solved the problem of fulfilling its orders, it ______. 
A) does not want to further expand its retailing network 
B) still limits the number of shoes supplied to stores 
C) is still particular about who sells its products 
D) still carefully chooses the manufacturers of its products 
40.What lesson has Reebok learned from Nike's distribution problems? 
A) A company should not sell its high quality shoes in discount stores. 
B) A company should not limit its distribution network. 
C) A company should do follow-up surveys of its products. 
D) A company should correctly evaluate the impact of a new craze on the market. 

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes) 
Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre. 
41.For many patients, institutional care is the most ______ and beneficial form of care. 
A) pertinent B) appropriate C) acute D) persistent 
42.Among all the changes resulting from the ______ entry of women into the work force, the 
transformation that has occurred in the women themselves is not the least important. 
A) massive B) quantitative C) surplus D) formidable 
43.Mr. Smith became very ______ when it was suggested that he had made a mistake. 
A) ingenious B) empirical C) objective D) indignant 
44.Rumours are everywhere, spreading fear, damaging reputations, and turning calm situations 
into ______ ones. 
A) turbulent B) tragic C) vulnerable D) suspicious 
45.The ______ cycle of life and death is a subject of interest to scientists and philosophers 
A) incompatible B) exceeding C) instantaneous D) eternal 
46.She remains confident and ______ untroubled by our present problems. 
A) indefinitely B) infinitely C) optimistically D) seemingly 
47.Fiber-optic cables can carry hundreds of telephone conversations ______. 
A. simultaneously B) spontaneously C) homogeneously D) contemporarily 
48.The police were alerted that the escaped criminal might be in the ______. 
A) vain B) vicinity C) court D) jail 
49.Whether you live to eat or eat to live, food is a major ______ in every family's budget. 
A) nutrition B) expenditure C) routine D) provision 
50.Now a paper in Science argues that organic chemicals in the rock come mostly from ______ 
on earth rather than bacteria on Mars. 
A) configuration B) constitution C) condemnation D) contamination 
51.There is much I enjoy about the changing seasons, but my favorite time is the ______ from 
fall to winter. 
A) transmission B) transformation C) transition D) transfer 
52.I think we need to see an investment ______ before we make an expensive mistake. 
A) guide B) entrepreneur C) consultant D) assessor 
53.The ______ on this apartment expires in a year's time. 
A) treaty B) lease C) engagement D) subsidy 
54.The elderly Russians find it hard to live on their state ______. 
A) pensions B) earnings C) salaries D) donations 
55.There is supposed to be a safety ______ which makes it impossible for trains to collide. 
A) appliance B) accessory C) machine D) mechanism 
56.After four years in the same job his enthusiasm finally ______. 
A) deteriorated B) dispersed C) dissipated D) drained 
57.No one can function properly if they are _______ of adequate sleep. 
A) deprived B) ripped C) stripped D) contrived 
58.For years now, the people of that faraway country have been cruelly ______ by a dictator. 
A) depressed B) immersed C) oppressed D) cursed 
59.Ever since the rise of industrialism, education has been ______ towards producing workers. 
A) harnessed B) hatched C) motivated D) geared 
60.The prospect of increased prices has already ______ worries. 
A) provoked B) irritated C) inspired D) hoisted 
61.The suspect ______ that he had not been in the neighbourhood at the time of the crime. 
A) advocated B) alleged C) addressed D) announced 
62.Although the colonists ______ to some extent with the native Americans , the Indians' 
influence on American culture and language was not extensive. 
A) migrated B) matched C) mingled D) melted 
63.E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs. 
A) adheres B) reflects C) conforms D) satisfies 
64.The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down. 
A) slapped B) scratched C) flapped D) fluctuated 
65.The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ?______ relations between the two countries. 
A) tumble B) jeopardize C) manipulate D) intimidate 
66.When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other? 
A) coincide B) extend C) overlap D) collide 
67.Under the present system, state enterprises must ______ all profits to the government. 
A) turn down B) turn up C) turn out D) turn in 
68.Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and 
petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _______. 
A) laid out B) laid off C) laid down D) laid aside 
69.We'll ______ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it. 
A) compensate B) remedy C) supplement D) retrieve 
70.She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man. 
A) decorate B) disguise C) fabricate D) fake 

Part IV Error Correction (15 minutes) 
Directions: This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, one in each numbered line. You may have to change a word, add a word or delete a word. Mark out the mistakes and put the corrections in the blanks provided. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark (∧) in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank. 
When you start talking about good and bad manners you 
immediately start meeting difficulties. Many people just cannot 
agree what they mean. We asked a lady, who replied that she 
thought you could tell a well-mannered person on the way they 71._______ 
occupied the space around them—for example, when such a 
person walks down a street he or she is constantly unaware of 72._______ 
others. Such people never bump into other people. 
However, a second person thought that this was more a 
question of civilized behavior as good manners. Instead, this 73._______ 
other person told us a story, it he said was quite well known, 74._______ 
about an American who had been invited to an Arab meal at 75._______ 
one of the countries of the Middle East. The American hasn't 76._______ 
been told very much about the kind of food he might expect.If 
he had known about American food, he might have behaved 77._______ 
Immediately before him was a very flat piece of bread that 
looked, to him, very much as a napkin (餐巾) Picking it 78._______ 
up, he put it into his collar, so that it falls across his shirt. 79._______ 
His Arab host, who had been watching, said of nothing, but 80._______ 
immediately copied the action of his guest. 
And that, said this second person, was a fine example of 
good manners. 

Part V Writing (30 minutes) 
Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? The first sentence has already been written for you. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: 

1. 很多人认为有必要举行口语考试,理由是 ······ 

Is a Test of Spoken English Necessary? 
A test of spoken English will be included as an optional component of the College English Test (CET). 

Part I Listening Comprehension

Part II Reading Comprehension

Part III Vocabulary

Part IV Error Correction
71. onàby 72. unawareàaware 73. asàthan 74. itàwhich
75. atàin 76. hasn'tàhadn't 77.AmericanàArab 78. asàlike
79. fallsàfell 80.ofà删

Part V Writing (略)





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