来源:优易学  2011-12-13 0:46:03   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

45.You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take every time you stay in a hotel. 你有收集旅馆免费洗发水瓶子的爱好
  46.You carry a stash of your own food whenever you travel (travel means any car ride longer than 15minutes).These snacks are always dried and include dried plums,mango,ginger,and squid. 你每次外出十五分钟都会带着你的零食:干芒果, 李子或烤鱿鱼.
  47.You wash your rice at least 2-3times before cooking it. 你会洗2-3次米.
  48.Your dad thinks he can fix everything himself. 你爸以为自己可以修任何东西.
  49.The dashboard of your Honda is covered by hundreds of small toys. 你的车子里堆了无数玩偶.
  50.You don"t use measuring cups. 你不用量杯
  51.You beat eggs with chopsticks. 你用筷子打鸡蛋.
  52.You have a teacup with a cover on it. 你有一个有盖的茶杯. (茶壶嘛~~~)
  53.You always look phone numbers up in the phone book,since calling information
  54.You only make long distance calls after 11pm. 你只在11点后打长途. (免费美国国内, 中国不知什么时候才有, 有竞争果然还是件好事, bs中国电信)
  55.If you are male,you clap at something funny and if you are female,you giggle whilst placing a hand over your mouth.如果你是位男性,你会对好玩的东西鼓掌,如果你是位女性,你会捂着嘴咯咯的笑(笑不路齿嘛)
  56.You like Chinese films in their original undubbed versions. 你喜欢没有配过音的中国电影.
  57.You love Chinese Martial Arts films. 你喜欢中国功夫片.
  58.You"ve learnt some form of martial arts. 你会一些中国武术
59.Shaolin actually means something to you.少林对你来说是有含义的
  60.You like congee with thousand-year-old eggs. 你喜欢很老的蛋配的粥. (What?)应该是皮蛋瘦肉粥吧
  61.You prefer your shrimp with the heads and legs still attached. 你喜欢有头尾的虾.
  62.You never call your parents just to say hi. 你从不为了问声好而call你父母. (失实严重, 这个老外认识的中国人都太抠门了, 连个国际长途也省, bs之)
  63.If you don"t live at home,when your parents call,they ask if you"ve eaten,even if it"s midnight.如果你不在家, 你的父母会打电话问你吃了吗, 就算半夜12点也不例外.
  64.When you"re sick,your parents tell you not to eat fried foods or baked goods due to yeet hay. 当你病了的时候, 你父母要你不吃油炸食品和烤的东西, 因为"热气yeet hay". 广东音
  65.You know what yeet hay is. 你知道什么是热气
  66.You e-mail your Chinese friends at work,even though you only 10feet apart. 你上班时给你中国朋友send email, 即使你们相距10尺.

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