来源:优易学  2011-7-29 16:54:30   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


  The following is brought to you courtesy of Thomas J. Lindell, Ph.D., Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology. 亚利桑那大学分子与细胞生物系Thomas J. Lindell博士对如何些好ps的意见。I have another perspective that is gained from having served on the Admissions committee at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. 他曾经在亚利桑那医学院招生委员会工作。

  Personal statements should be interesting and informative. You need to understand that this is your only direct connection to the Admissions Committee-- everything else is "filtered" through someone else i.e. Letters of recommendation or reports of interviews etc.


  You need to sell yourself! Your really do not have a choice. You must be proactive about advocating why you want to enter postgraduate training. The reader will want to know that you understand what you're getting into. Relevant experiences are therefore important to relate. If medical school is your goal, are you doing this for the right reason?


  You must be prepared to "tell your story". In my experience, too many young people are reluctant to tell their story. They think that they are bragging or being arrogant. Remember, if you do not tell your own story, no one else will. You cannot assume that those who will write about you will capture what you yourself want others to know about you.

  应该讲述自己的故事。 It is easier to sell the " product" (you) if you know who you are. Most students who are bound for postgraduate programs do not need to be motivated. They should, however, have a good sense of how well they fit into that career. They should also have some significant knowledge of who they are. Students, who expect to become physicians, have no business treating other people's problems unless they have attended to their own first.

  Start thinking about what you want to say early-- do not wait until the last minute. Keep notes to yourself about things that you feel are revealing about yourself. After you write your story, put it away for a few days before revising/editing it. This will give you an opportunity to get a fresh look at it, if you have the time.


  Personal statements do not need to be chronological. They should be written with some "flair" and attention to who the reader is. Remember, the reader is some overworked member of an admissions committee who is doing this out of a sense of duty. Your job is to entertain them and create a story that will capture their attention. I recommend that you attempt to tell the most captivating part of your story in the first part of the essay. The reader, after reading many of these in a given review session, tends to find successive personal statements run together. Your challenge is then to make your statement unique-- just as you are unique.

  As in any writing, the statement should "flow" together. The paragraphs should blend in a coherent manner. 一定要注重逻辑。

  More on: Writing Your Personal Statement如何写作个人陈述

  PLAN, PLAN, PLAN- The better your plan, the easier it will be to write your statement and to revise it. Have some sort of idea in mind before you start writing. Use a concept map, use an outline, do something to organize your thinking. 计划、计划、计划

  Determine your purpose in writing your statement- you want to convince an admissions committee that you are the right person, you have thought about this decision, you can handle the material and have the motivation to succeed in your field. 确定写作目的,说服对方。

  Determine the content of your statement. 确定内容。
  Determine your approach and the style of your statement. There is no set style. Your statement should be coherent and mature. 确定风格。

  Draft #1 - When you write this draft, work to get your ideas down. Focus on giving a general impression of why you should be admitted. 给出概括性的印象

  Draft #2 - Begin by re-reading your first draft. Figure out what the thesis or main claim should be. Revise to form your thesis.

  Draft #3 - Think about the organization of your essay. Decide the best way to support your thesis and build your argument. Is it chronological? By topic? Revise your essay focusing on organization.
  Read through your essay thinking about word choice sentence structure and grammar. Revise to improve style and grammar. 考虑单词顺序和结构

  Did your use clichés without explaining them? (I like to help people, rewarding, incredible, fascinating, significant, meant a lot to me?)不要用些陈词滥调


Tips on Writing a Personal Statement 写作ps技巧

  The Personal Statement is a very important aspect of the application process. Everything else the Graduate Committee learns about you is from someone else, Letters of Recommendation, etc. This is your opportunity to connect with the members of the Graduate Committee in your own words. The Graduate Admissions Committee carefully reviews this document. Cover the following points:招生委员会要认真关注以下几点。

  What are your Career Goals? 职业目标
  Describe undergraduate and/or postgraduate research experience 本科研究经历
  Why do you wish to pursue Graduate Studies in Agricultural and Resource Economics (AREC) at the University of Arizona? Be specific. 为何要选择某个项目,应该具体。

  What research interests do you have in common with members of the AREC faculty? See Faculty Profiles你与这个项目的成员有没有共同的研究兴趣。

  ? Describe your long range professional plans. Do you intend to pursue a Ph.D. program? What type of work do you plan to pursue upon completion of your Graduate Studies program?你的长期职业目标是什么,博士吗?毕业后准备做什么。

  It's important to relate any relevant experiences you might have. How well prepared are you to enter our Graduate Program? What have you been doing to prepare yourself to meet your career goals?

  Tell your story. This is not to say tell your whole life's story in a novel length document. Keep your Personal Statement as short in length as possible. Tell enough about yourself to reveal to the Graduate Committee how well you fit your career goals and are prepared to enter a Graduate Studies program. Promote yourself. Don't assume the Letters of Recommendation have captured what you are all about to the Graduate Committee. Make your Personal Statement interesting and informative. It doesn't have to be chronological.

  Be proactive about advocating why you want to enter postgraduate training. The Graduate Committee wants to see by your Personal Statement that you've done your homework and researched our program and faculty and that you know what you're getting into. The Graduate Committee will be looking to see if you are a good match to our program.

  It is imperative that you use good English in your Personal Statement. The Personal Statement is your demonstration to the Graduate Committee that you have the competency and writing skills to handle writing a Master's Thesis. It might be helpful to have another set of eyes to help you proof your Personal Statement to locate any spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, incorrect punctuation, etc. 英语要好,ps是你自己能够写好论文的证明。


  Personal Statement (Item 19 on Application Form): The College of Law is particularly interested in students who, by virtue of their background and experience, will add to the intellectual climate and diversity of the student body. We therefore require that you include a personal statement describing any special characteristics, background or experience that would help us achieve our goal of a dynamic and diverse student body. Your personal statement should be a typed, concise and well-drafted document of approximately 2 to 3 pages single-spaced. There is no page limit. All materials submitted are reviewed. The personal statement should tell your "story". It must be your written work and it should demonstrate your writing ability and highlight your unique characteristics, which may include: educational and occupational experiences, economic disadvantages, significant or extracurricular activities, talents and special interests, involvement in community affairs or public service, colleges attended, course of study, grade trends, graduate work, race or cultural background, and any personal experiences which have influenced your life.


