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来源:优易学  2005-12-26 12:58:01   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


Passage four

36. D) The reduction of public expenditure.

37. B) obtain funding from the government

38. C) They think they work in an environment hostile to the free pursuit of knowledge.

39. D) they could be influenced by their association with the project concerned

40. C) People would not believe scientists even when they tell the truth.

Part III Vocabulary (20 minutes)

41. A) defy

42. D) decent

43. B) scrutiny

44. A) impose

45. C) obscure

46. B) hinged upon

47. B) abnormal

48. B) deafened

49. D) flushed

50. C) out of stock

51. D) absurd

52. A) cherish

53. C) stimulus

54. B) by analogy with

55. B) deficit

56. A) recession

57. B) exclusive

58. A) entitled

59. B) luminous

60. D) erase

61. B) suppress

62. B) by means of

63. A) abolished

64. A) comply

65. D) finite

66. B) irritated

67. B) blank

68. D) rectify

69. A) ascribed

70. B) tucked

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