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SECTION B Passage 1
Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have heard.

11.A) His travels.
B) His short stories.
C) His finances.
D) His family.

12.A) Florida.
B) California.
C) Nevada.
D) Hanibul.

13.A) Typesetter.
B) River pilot.
C) Soldier.
D) Prospector.

14.A) He wanted to be a journalist.
B) He liked the climate there.
C) He wanted to get away from the army.
D) He was sent there by his father.

Passage 2
Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have heard.

15.A) Behind the railway.
B) In an old building.
C) In a modern building.
D) In a clean street.

16.A) She was a young girl with dark hair.
B) She was an old woman.
C) She was a well-dressed girl.
D) She was wearing her outdoor clothes.

17.A) An old typewriter. B) Some pieces of cloth.
C) A lot of letters and papers D) A patterned cover.

Passage 3
Questions 18 to 20 are based on the passage you have heard.

18.A) Something in the Bermuda Triangle is strange.
B) On the location of the Bermuda Triangle.
C) On what people often talked about.
D) That ships and planes appeared again.

19.A) Submarines.
B) Ships and planes.
C) Trains and cars.
D) Florida and Boston.

20.A) In the Pacific Ocean.
B) Close to Europe.
C) Along the Coast of Africa.
D) In the Atlantic Ocean.

Section B Passage One
11. 【参考译文】说话者对马克?吐温一生的哪个方面着重进行了说明?【试题分析】本题考查对关键词语的理解能力,并根据关键词对上下文进行判断和推理。【详细解答】从听力材料的第一部分中可以听到…… traveled quite a lot, often because of circumstances 出于环境和生活所迫,马克?吐温不得不到处奔波。而且从材料的第二、三段中所叙述的事情都是马克?吐温周游全国,不是为了逃避战乱就是为了生计而奔波,所以马克?吐温的一生大部分花在了这上面。这也是说话人所强调的最重要的一个方面,故A 为正确答案。

12. 【参考译文】大多数人都认为马克?吐温出生在什么地方?【试题分析】本题为一般性理解题,需要捕捉听力中的关键字句。【详细解答】听力中有这样一句话:Most people think he was born in Hanibul, but that isn’t true.(大多数人都认为他出生在Hanibul 但实际并非如此。)根据题意,很明显D为正确答案。

13. 【参考译文】马克?吐温最喜欢什么工作?【试题分析】本题考查对关键字句的理解能力,并对上下文进行推理。【详细解答】听力的第二段中,可以听到:“……and then got a job as a river pilot on the Mississippi. Twain loved the job and many of his books show it.(…..于是在密西西比河上,他找到了当水手的差事,吐温喜欢这件工作,他的许多书都是反映了这方面事情的。)由此可知B为正确答案。

14. 【参考译文】为什么吐温要到西部去?【试题分析】本题考查对关键字句的理解能力,并对上下文进行推理。【详细解答】如果集中精力去听,并且能够听懂这句话:……and then he and his whole company went West to get away from the war and the army,就不难知道他去西部的原因是为了躲避战争和脱离军队。故C为正确答案。

Passage Two
15. 【试题分析】先读选项,四项皆为地点状语,因此可以预知此题问地点,听音时注意听与地点有关的信息。【详细解答】此题答案在短文的开头,即 The office and small factory … were…in a … old fashioned houses … 此题还需辨析 behind ornamental railings 与选项behind the railway ,前者意为“在装饰围栏之后”,后者意为“在铁轨后面”。

16. 【试题分析】此题为听力材料细节理解题。【详细解答】若听清了短文中的girl of seventeen, yellow hair,便可排除A、B选项。若听到了in a green woolen coat 便可排除C项,同时确定D为正确答案,coat(外套)通常在户外穿用。

17. 【试题分析】此题为直接明示信息题。【关键词语】patterns of cloth…on a large desk【详细解答】短文最后一部分是对邻居Mr. Thomas Belton室内情况的描写。在描写部分,只要听清楚了Patterns of cloth…on a large desk,就容易选对B项。

Passage Three
18. 【试题分析】此题为直接推理题。【关键词语】strange, fascinated【详细解答】此题关键在于听清第一句话,特别是其中的关键词strange,由此不难选出正确答案A。此外,根据下一句的内容也可推测出正确答案。

19. 【试题分析】此题考查对关键词的理解,并进行简单的推理。【关键词语】disappearance of many ships and planes【详细解答】如果听到短文中的关键词“dissppearence of many ships and planes…”,而disappearance意思为消失(lost),故而不难选出正确答案B。同时,根据了解的关于“百慕大”的常识也可做正确答案。

20. 【试题分析】此题为间接推理题,需要抓住关键词来推理。【详细解答】首先必须听清“…western point is Florida, and its eastern point is the Coast of Africa…”,再根据地理常识便可知 Bermuda处于大西洋,故可选择D项。

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