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来源:优易学  2011-9-22 11:01:32   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
  At the party we found that shy girl ________ her mother all the time.
  A) depending on
  B) coinciding with
  C) adhering to
  D) clinging to
  注:1. depend on 依赖,依靠
  2. coincide with 巧合
  3. adhere to 粘着,贴着;遵守法律法规【comply with,conform to, adhere to】
  4. cling to 依附,靠着
  clinch 拥抱
  When a psychologist does a general experiment about the human mind, he selects people _________ and ask them questions.
  A) at length
  B) at random
  C) in essence
  D) in bulk
  注:1. at random 随机地
  2. at length 最终地,最后地,完全地,详尽地
  3. in essence 本质上地,实质上地
  The ______ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.
  A) essence
  B) content
  C) texture
  D) threshold
  4. in bulk 散装地,大量地
  I think she hurt my feelings __________ rather than by accident as she claimed.
  A) virtually
  B) deliberately
  C) literally
  D) appropriately
  注:1. rather than 表示前后互为反义词
  2. deliberately 故意地
  liberty 自由
  3. virtually 实际上地
  4. literally 照字面意思地,逐字逐句地
  5. appropriately 恰如其分地,恰当地
  6. claim 主张,声称(作为词根表示“喊”)
  acclaim 欢迎,欢呼
  exclaim 惊叫,尖叫
  elude 逃跑,躲避
  reclaim 取回
  declaim 抨击,巧辩;高声朗诵
  proclaim 宣布,声明

