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来源:优易学  2011-3-18 13:26:22   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

63. E-mail is a convenient, highly democratic informal medium for conveying messages that _______ well to human needs.
A) adheres     

B) reflects       

C) conforms

D) satisfies
conform to 表符合


64. The wings of the bird still ______ after it had been shot down.
A) slapped 

B) scratched

C) flapped 

D) fluctuated
1. flap 拍动        2. slap 掴耳光

    3. scratch 用爪子抓、刮、挠scratch your head 思考scowl 皱眉头  4. fluctuate 波动


65. The disagreement over trade restrictions could seriously ______ relations between the two countries.
A) tumble           

B) jeopardize

C) manipulate      

D) intimidate
jeopardize 危险


66. When you put up wallpaper, should you ______ the edges or put them next to each other?
A) coincide

B) extend         

C) overlap         

D) collide 碰撞 运动撞运动
1. overlap 重叠       2. coincide  一致coincident 一致的

    3. frugal 节俭的       4. collide 运动物体撞运动物体,撞击

67. Under the present system, state enterprises must ______ all profits to the government.
A) turn down        

B) turn up        

C) turn out        

D) turn in
turn in 上交


68. Oil companies in the U.S. are already beginning to feel the pressure. Refinery workers and petroleum-equipment-manufacturing employees are being _______.
A) laid out 

B) laid off

C) laid down 

D) laid aside
1. lay off 裁员                  2. lay out 布置

    3. lay down 制定政策放下放弃4. lay aside 放到一边搁置积蓄


69. We'll ______ you for any damage done to your house while we are in it.
A) compensate

B) remedy         

C) supplement      

D) retrieve
compensate 补偿弥补六级最爱


70. She cut her hair short and tried to ______ herself as a man.
A) decorate         

B) disguise

C) fabricate       

D) fake

disguise 伪装       disgusting 令人恶心的

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