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来源:优易学 2011-8-8 13:10:09   【优易学:中国教育考试第一门户】   资料下载   学历书店

  The rainforest is essential in other areas also. It is a medicine chest of unlimited potential. The US National Cancer Institute has identified 2,000 rainforest plants which could be beneficial in fighting cancer. In today's pharmaceutical market, 15 of the 125 drugs derived from plants were discovered in the rainforest.
  chest: 胸膛;箱。
  Plant species are not the only forms of life threatened with extinction in the rainforest. Rare birds and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world have been disappearing at the rate of one a year since the turn of the century.
  the turn of the century 世纪之交
  In the face of all these facts, it seems senseless for countries to continue destroying their rainforests.
  Destroy v. 消灭,摧毁/damage v./n. 损害,伤害/ruin v./n. 毁灭
  However, the problem is not so simple. The countries in which the rainforests are located are all quite poor and overpopulated. One of them, Brazil, has a population of 140 million, about half of whom are living in absolute poverty.
  The governments in these countries are usually also too weak to stop large companies and powerful individuals from destroying the rainforests. They have no money, so when the poor whom they cannot feed find work cutting down trees or burning forestland, the governments often have no choice but to turn a blind eye.
  the +a.:表示一类人
  have no choice but to do: 没有办法,只能…
  Moreover, for many of these countries, the valuable timber and other resources found in the rainforests are also a very important source of foreign exchange, which they badly need to pay off their foreign debts and purchase foreign equipment and other goods.
  foreign exchange: 外汇
  The only solution to the problem, then, seems to be for the richer countries of the world to help the countries where the rainforests are located. One way they could help would be by cancelling the international debts that countries like Brazil owe, while also working together with these countries to solve their other economic problems.
  At the same time, they could support programmes to teach the local people to regard the rainforests as gardens to be harvested, and not merely as places where the only way for them to make a living is by senselessly cutting down trees and burning.
  regard …as …:把…当成
  see …as
  Such programmes could teach the local people how to select trees worth exporting and to cut only those trees down while leaving the rest, so that the basic make-up of the forest would not be disturbed.
  be worth doing sth.: 值得…。
  This would also mean that the environment needed for the survival of the many rare species of animals and plants, as well as of the Indian tribes that live in the rainforest, could be preserved.
  The local people could also be taught to earn more money by cutting the selected trees and making them into furniture on the spot.
  select v. 选择 a.精选的
  selection n. 选择
  selective: a. 选择的,选择性的
  In addition, they could learn how to harvest other valuable natural materials that are now being wasted, and sell them overseas to earn foreign exchange for their countries.
  Last but not least, people in the richer countries of the world could also help save the rainforests by using wood-derived products such as paper more carefully and by recycling used paper products to help reduce the demand for newly cut wood.
  Ⅲ.Vocabulary Exercises :
  ⅰ.Choose the proper words given at the beginning.
  1.economy economic economical
  a.The war is a fatal blow to the economy of both countries.
  b.It is important to bring about a new economic order in the world.
  c.The newly invented machine is economical of time and energy.
  2.consequence consequent consequently
  a.The farmers suffered a drought and there was a consequent shortage of food in the market.
  b.If you behave so foolishly, you must be ready to take the consequence.
  c.She was a bright and eager student and, consequently, did well in school.
  3.contribute contribution contributor
  a.His involvement contributed effectively to the solution of the dispute.
  b.All contributors to the church will have a meeting today.
  c.The young policeman made a remarkable contribution to public safety.
  4.overpopulate population populate
  a.If we didn't carry out family planning, our country would be much more overpopulated.
  b. The centre of the city is a densely populated area.
  c. The country is adopting radical measures to control the growth of its population.
  ⅱ.Fill in the following blanks with the words listed below in their proper forms.
  local massive upset senseless recede threaten export recycle select pay off
  1.Empty bottles are recycled in order for the glass to be used.
  2.The news that he failed the final exam upset him emotionally.
  3.Tea, grain and sugar are among the most important exports.
  4.The doctors made massive efforts to save the dying patient.
  5.Columbus' idea of going east by sailing west was thought to be senseless by the Spanish nobles.
  6.The coast was receding / receded slowly as our ship sailed out to sea.
  7.Many rare species of animals are being threatened with extinction.
  8.It's almost certain that our plan will pay off; it is a wonderful idea.
  9.“When in Rome, do as the Romans do” means that one should behave according to the local customs.
  10.Why didn't you select a better topic for your conversation?
  Text B Life on the Tundra
  Ⅰ.New words:
  subsoil n. 下层土,底土
  marshy a.沼泽般的,湿软的
  →marsh n.沼泽
  →表示地形的单词:maintain/sea /desert /plain /plateau
  continous a. 连续不断的,不停歇的,表示动作或物体不间断地进行下去
  eg: They chattered continuously for an hour. 他们不间断地聊了一个小时。
  continual a. 连续的,频繁的,表示多次重复的动作(有可能有间断)
  eg: Please stop your continual questions. 请不要再接二连三的提问题了。
  permanently ad. 长久地,永久地
  →permanent (a.) 反义词:temporary a. 暂时的
  lifeless a. 1.无生命的,死的;2.没有生气的,单调的
  disturbance n. 1.骚动,动乱;2.打扰,干扰
  deep a. 深的
  depth n. 1.深度2.深处[常pl.] 3.深奥,深刻
  seemingly ad. 1.表面地 2.近乎真实地
  shortage n. 不足,缺少
  explorer n. 探索者,考察者
  daylight : 1.日光 2.日间
  pipeline : 管道,管线
  minor 比较小的;少数的 ←→ major 比较大的;多数的
  bay海湾 / port 海港 / coast 海岸,海滨/ gulf 海湾
  1.horizon n. 1.地平线;2.(喻)眼界,见识
  E.g.: the horizon 地平线
  Travel broadens one's horizons. 旅游可以开阔人的眼界。
  2.continuous & continual
  E.g.: They chattered continuously for an hour. 他们足足聊了1个小时。
  Please stop your continual questions. 请不要再接二连三地提问题了。
  3.hunt vt. 1.追猎,猎取;2.追赶,搜索
  E.g.: go hunting 去打猎
  He's been hunting for a lost book. 他一直在找那本丢失的书。
  1.be known as 以…而闻名,通常名叫
  E.g.: Mark Twain was known as a great novelist. 马克· 吐温作为一个伟大的小说家被人们熟知。
  →be known for 因为…而出名
  2.in search of 寻找…,寻求…

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