来源:优易学  2010-3-1 13:42:59   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
 行军第九IX. The Army on the March

  孙子曰:凡处军相敌,绝山依谷,Sun Tzu said: We come now to the question of encamping the army, and observing signs of the enemy. Pass quickly over mountains, and keep in the neighborhood of valleys.


  Camp in high places, facing the sun. Do not climb heights in order to fight. So much for mountain warfare.

  绝水必远水,After crossing a river, you should get far away from it.

  客绝水而来,勿迎之于水内,令半渡而击之利,When an invading force crosses a river in its onward march, do not advance to meet it in mid-stream. It will be best to let half the army get across, and then deliver your attack.

  欲战者,无附于水而迎客,If you are anxious to fight, you should not go to meet the invader near a river which he has to cross.


  Moor your craft higher up than the enemy, and facing the sun. Do not move up-stream to meet the enemy. So much for river warfare.

  绝斥泽,唯亟去无留,In crossing salt-marshes, your sole concern should be to get over them quickly, without any delay.


  If forced to fight in a salt-marsh, you should have water and grass near you, and get your back to a clump of trees. So much for operations in salt-marches.


  In dry, level country, take up an easily accessible position with rising ground to your right and on your rear, so that the danger may be in front, and safety lie behind. So much for campaigning in flat country.


  These are the four useful branches of military knowledge which enabled the Yellow Emperor to vanquish four several sovereigns.

  凡军好高而恶下,贵阳而贱阴,All armies prefer high ground to low and sunny places to dark.


  If you are careful of your men, and camp on hard ground, the army will be free from disease of every kind, and this will spell victory.


  When you come to a hill or a bank, occupy the sunny side, with the slope on your right rear. Thus you will at once act for the benefit of your soldiers and utilize the natural advantages of the ground.


  When, in consequence of heavy rains up-country, a river which you wish to ford is swollen and flecked with foam, you must wait until it subsides

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