来源:优易学  2011-10-9 18:01:46   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


  A memoir by George W Bush’s former speechwriter claims that Bush administration officials objected to giving JK Rowling a presidential medal of freedom on the grounds that her Harry Potter books "encouraged witchcraft".
  According to the liberal American blog Think Progress, Matt Latimer’s Speech-Less: Tales of a White House Survivor reveals how politicised the medal, which is America’s highest civilian honour, became during the Bush administration.
  Latimer, whose memoir was published last week by Crown in the US, says that the "narrow thinking" of "people in the White House" led them "to actually object to giving the author JK Rowling a presidential medal because the Harry Potter books encouraged witchcraft".
  The medal is given to "individuals who make an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavours". During the Bush administration, it was awarded to individuals including Tony Blair, Harper Lee, Muhammad Ali, Alan Greenspan, Nelson Mandela, Doris Day and Charlton Heston.

  The first 16 recipients of Barack Obama’s presidential medal, handed out in August, included Stephen Hawking and Senator Ted Kennedy – who, according to Latimer’s book, failed to receive the medal during the Bush administration because he was "a liberal".
  前总统布什的撰稿人马特·拉蒂默(Matt Latimer)在回忆录中披露,布什政府官员以哈里波特丛书“鼓吹巫术”为由,拒绝向其作者J.K. 罗琳颁发自由勋章。
  根据美国自由主义者网站Think Progress的网络日志,拉蒂默在其回忆录《无话可说:一位白宫幸存者的故事》(Speech-Less: Tales of a White House Survivor)中披露了自由勋章这一美国最高平民荣誉在布什政府时期被政治化的情况。拉蒂默的回忆录于上周由皇冠出版社(Crown Press)在美国出版发行。他表示,“白宫官员的狭隘思想”导致他们“发自内心地反对将自由勋章授予J.K. 罗琳,认为她的著作哈利波特丛书是在鼓吹巫术”。

