英国著名残奥女冠军Sarah Storey见面会
来源:优易学  2011-6-30 13:11:29   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
Sarah Storey
Sarah Storey

  Sarah Storey智慧课堂——杰出成就,精彩人生

  Sarah Storey是英国最著名的残奥会冠军女运动员,在游泳和自行车比赛中赢得了不计其数的奖牌。在北京2008残奥会自行车比赛中,Sarah Storey一举夺得两枚金牌。仅仅八天以后她又创造了奇迹,在全英运动会上夺得冠军,成为英国首位在健全人运动会上夺得奖牌的残疾人运动员。





  活动时间:2009年7月8日(周三) 19:00-21:00




  活动时间:2009年7月10日(周五) 14:00-16:00

  活动地点:广州天河路 299号广州市体育局办公楼一楼新闻大厅


  Smart Talk with Sarah Storey -Outstanding achievers, inspiring individuals

  Sarah Storey is one of Great Britain's most decorated female Paralympians having won a huge number of medals both in the swimming and cycling fields. She is one of the few modern athletes to make the successful transition between sports。

  In 2008, just 8 days after winning her second cycling gold medal at the Beijing Paralympics, Sarah also became Great Britain's first ever Paralympian to win the title at a senior able-bodied National Championship event。

  As both a swimmer and cyclist, Sarah has travelled the world as an ambassador for disability sport, gaining some 36 gold medals at various championships and breaking 67 world records along the way. Although more than 3 years retired from swimming, Sarah still holds world records in the pool, as well as the 3,000m on the track. Sarah was awarded the MBE in the 1998 New Years Honours List for her services to swimming for people with disabilities。

  Talk specifics –

  Outstanding achievers, inspiring individuals

  Sarah will be talking about motivation both in sport and in life. 

  In a world where the difference between first place and last place can be judged by what happens after the decimal point. Sarah explains what motivates and inspires her and how these things have lead to her achieving what she has。

  Focusing on her extraordinary motivation behind her athletic career, from her beginnings as swimmer via her transition to cycling, she has pushed her body to its physical limits and has competed against some of the world’s finest athletes. She discusses how she broke down boundaries between sports and the importance of taking a fresh approach。


  Time: 19:00-21:00, 8 July 2009 (Wednesday)

  Venue: Vanda Hall 2F, Beijing Landmark Hotel


  Time: 14:00-16:00, 10 July 2009 (Friday)

  Venue: Media Centre 1F, Guangzhou Sports Bureau Office Building, No.299 Tianhe Road, Guangzhou

