来源:优易学  2011-11-26 12:31:37   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

 坚持科学发展、和谐发展、和平发展 Pursue scientific, harmonious and peaceful development
  全面落实科学发展观 Fully apply(put into practice)the Scientific Outlook (Thinking) on Development
  中央财政2003—2006年超收较多 The central government revenue exceeded targets by a fair amount for the years 2003 through 2006.
  避免经济增长由偏快转为过热 Prevent rapid economic growth from becoming overheated
  整顿小煤矿取得了阶段性成果 Major progress has been made in the current stage of our efforts to bring order to small coalmines.
  实事求是 Pursue a realistic and pragmatic approach
  解放思想 Free our minds 
  电视覆盖从行政村向自然村延伸 TV coverage extends from incorporated villages to unincorporated villages.
  不搞一刀切 without imposing a single solution
  保证人民的知情权﹑参与权﹑表达权和监督权 Ensure people’s right to know, to participate, to express and to supervise.
  加强支农、惠农政策 Strengthen the policy of supporting agriculture and benefiting farmers
  单位 Organizations and institutions
  The path of peaceful development has both external and domestic dimensions. Thus, we must bear closely in mind our overall interests, both internal and external.
  这种世界文明的多样性是不以人们主观意志为转移的客观存在。Like it or not, the diversity of civilizations is a reality.
  对外宣传工作 conduct public diplomacy programs 
  解决民生问题 to improve people’s well-being
  “召远在修近,闭祸在除怨。” "To win distant friends, one needs, first of all, to have good relations with his neighbors. To avoid adversity, one needs to ease animosity."
  我的脑子里充满了忧患。 I am preoccupied with pressing challenges.
  到……挂职 to take up provisional post in
  非政府组织 / 民间组织 / 群众组织 / 人民团体
  NGOs / civil society / people’s organizations / civic organizations
  主任科员principal staff
  副主任科员senior staff
  科员staff member
  编内职工permanent staff
  中编办Central Staffing Department
  编制人数 staff size
  国家行政编制government staff status
  事业编制staffing of government affiliated institutions
  党政正职领导干部chief Party and government officials  
  推动经济社会发展切实转入科学发展轨道 To truly put economic and social development on a scientific track
  科学民主决策 Make decisions scientifically and democratically
  中央 The national leadership/The central Party and government authorities/The central government
  我们要发展老龄事业 We will develop old age programs.
  我们必须以对国家和人民高度负责任的精神采取有力措施解决这些问题 We must maintain a strong sense of responsibility to the country and people and take forceful measures to resolve these problems. 考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com)
  着力解决民生问题 Every effort was made to improve the people’s well-being.
  政府自身建设存在一些问题 Government efforts to enhance performance still have room for improvement.
  存在这些问题根本在于制度不健全,监管不到位 The root cause of the problems lies in institutional deficiencies and poor oversight.
  领导干部要深入基层了解群众疾苦 Leading officials should visit communities to better understand the problems troubling the people.
  加强基层民主 Expand democracy at village and community level 
  不少支出增长是刚性的 Many increases in expenditure are fixed/mandatory.
  积极稳妥推进企业政策性破产工作 Actively yet prudently proceed with work related to policy-mandated bankruptcy of enterprises.
  对产能过剩行业进行重组 To carry out restructuring of industries with surplus production capacity
  淘汰煤炭行业落后产能 Close down backward production facilities in the coal industry
  为增强经济增长后劲发挥重要作用 Play an important role in sustaining China’s economic development
  规范收入分配秩序 Standardize pattern of income distribution
  历史罕见的严重自然灾害 Natural disasters of a severity seldom seen in history
  实施治理商业贿赂专项行动 A campaign to combat business bribery was launched.
  投资消费关系不协调 Investment is not in keeping with consumer demand.
  政府职能转变滞后 Moves to change the way the government functions are behind schedule/have not made expected progress.
  向人民交出满意的答卷 To deliver a good report to the people
  政府工作的基本思路是: The basic approach for the work of government is:
  关心中国现代化建设 To care about China’s modernization
  城市最低生活保障制度 System of basic cost of living allowances for urban residents
  全面推进社会主义经济建设、政治建设、文化建设 Promote all aspects of socialist economic, political and cultural development
  稳定消费预期,扩大即期消费 We should ensure consumer confidence and expand immediate consumption.
  以更高昂的精神状态恪尽职守 We must carry out our duties with greater drive.
  根据经济运行的新情况完善政策 Improve policies in response to new developments in the operation of the economy
  把各项政策落到实处 Truly put all policies into effect 
  妥善处理内需和外需的关系 Properly balance domestic demand and international demand
  统筹考虑国内外经济发展的相互联系和影响 Take into consideration the interconnectedness and mutual influence of domestic and international economic development
  抓好以下几个方面: We should concentrate on the following areas:
  解决出口退税历史欠账 Resolve long-standing arrears in export tax rebates
  放宽市场准入 Relax control over market entry
  改变外贸增长方式 Change the way China’s foreign trade grows
  引导银行加大对农业贷款支持 Guide banks in continuing to increase credit support to agriculture  提高改革决策的科学性,增强改革措施的协调性 make decision-making more scientific and measures of reform better coordinated
  全面提高开放水平 improve the work of opening-up
  把改善人民生活作为正确处理改革发展稳定关系的结合点 We need to we endeavor to balance...
  fully appreciate/understand the essence of the Scientific Outlook on Development
  把全社会的发展积极性引导到科学发展上来 guide the whole society in pursuing development in a scientific way
  把握经济社会发展趋势和规律 follow the trend and the law of economic and social development
  uphold the basic program consisting of the basic objectives and policies for economic, political, cultural and social progress under socialism with Chinese characteristics
  区域协调互动发展机制 a mechanism for promoting balanced and interactive development among regions
  主体功能区 development priority zones
  法治政府建设 enhance law-based government administration
  社会主义核心价值体系深入人心 Core socialist values are winning the hearts and minds of the people.
  弘扬良好思想道德风尚 promote moral integrity
  建设生态文明 promote a conservation culture
  生态文明观念在全社会牢固树立 To foster public awareness of conservation culture
  具有更高文明素质和精神追求 Raise ethical standards and have higher/lofty aspiration
  对外更加开放、更加具有亲和力 be more open and friendly to the outside world
  为全面建成惠及十几亿人口的更高水平的小康社会打下更加牢固的基础 Strengthen the foundation for building a well-off society of a higher level in all respects to the benefit of over one billion people 

  建设创新型国家 make China an innovative nation
  国家中长期科学和技术发展规划纲要 Outline of the National Program for Long- and Medium-Term Scientific and Technological Development
  突破制约经济社会发展的关键技术 make breakthroughs in key technologies vital to China’s economic and social development
  支持前沿技术研究、社会公益性技术研究 support research in frontier technology and in technology for public welfare
  建立以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系 establish a market-oriented system for technological innovation, in which enterprises play the leading role and which combines the efforts of enterprises, universities and research institutes 
  引导和支持创新要素向企业集聚 guide and support the pooling of factors of innovation into enterprises
  科技成果产业化 the application of scientific and technological achievements in production
  培养造就世界一流科学家和科技领军人才 train / bring up world-class scientists and leaders in scientific and technological research
  使创新智慧竞相迸发、创新人才大量涌现 inspire creativity and bring forth large numbers of innovative personnel
  推进信息化与工业化融合 promote IT-based industrialization
  具有国际竞争力的大企业集团 internationally competitive conglomerates瑞典一项研究发现,在工作中受到不公正待遇时忍气吞声的男性职员患心脏病或死于该疾病的几率比公开表达不满的人高五倍。

