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  The U.S. and China Working Toward Clean Energy
  Hillary Rodham Clinton
  Secretary of State
  Online Chat Moderated by Professor Qi Ye, Hosted by China Daily
  Beijing, China
  February 22, 2009


  PROFESSOR QI: First of all, our netizens are very much interested in learning how your family -- you know, you, your family, former President Clinton, Chelsea -- do on the environment - on energy savings and energy conservation.
  中国日报网 齐晔:各位网友大家好,欢迎收看中国日报网《环球对话》节目,我是清华大学的齐晔教授,今天的嘉宾是美国国务卿希拉里·克林顿,我们将和她一起讨论环境保护、能源和气候变化问题。首先,我们的网民非常感兴趣地想了解您的家庭、您、还有克林顿总统、女儿切尔西在环境、能源节约和能源保护方面的做法是什么?
  SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, first of all, let me thank you for having me be able to speak to the netizens – I like that phrase -- and I am so pleased that you are focusing on such an important topic as energy efficiency and climate change.
  In our own lives, we have tried to be much more conscious of what we should do. So, for example, we use compact fluorescent bulbs, which are less of a drain on the electricity grid. We have installed more high-energy resistant windows, more insulted windows. We have, obviously, insulated our utilities and our homes. We have also recycled, so that we are trying not to add to the landfill waste more than absolutely necessary.
  And my husband, of course, with the Clinton Foundation, is running a climate change program with, I think, 40 cities around the world working on higher energy efficiency, and so much else. So, we have tried to do more, but we are constantly asking ourselves what more we can do.
  PROFESSOR QI: Great, thank you. And during this trip you have emphasized this cooperative -- this positive cooperation. Would you mind to elaborate a little bit on that, you know, how that is going to work for this China-U.S. cooperation on environment, energy, and climate change?
  中国日报网 齐晔:谢谢,您在此次访问中强调了积极合作,您能否对中美如何推进在环保、能源以及气候领域的合作做一下详细的说明?
  SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, as part of the agreement in principle that we announced yesterday between myself and Foreign Minister Yang, we will enter into strategic and economic dialogues co-chaired by myself and the Treasury Secretary.
  And one of the most important tracks will be clean energy and climate change. We wish to create a series of actions and partnerships between our countries, between our businesses, our academic institutions, our citizens. And we hope to work together in the lead-up to Copenhagen at the end of this year, with a new climate treaty. We hope that there will be many opportunities, as I saw for myself yesterday, for partnerships between American companies and Chinese companies to produce cleaner energy. And our new Energy Secretary, Dr. Steven Chu, wants to work to help create more intellectual property that would be jointly designed and implemented by Chinese and American researchers.
  So, we are just at the beginning of this cooperative relationship on clean energy and climate change. But I am very hopeful that it will continue to grow.
  PROFESSOR QI: Great. Does this mean the 10-year framework, the cooperative effort developed during the strategic economic dialogue is going to continue, and is going to work through all these areas related to environment, climate change, and energy conservation?
  中国日报网 齐晔:这是不是意味着双方在战略经济对话合作框架下达成的有关环保、气候、能源领域的10年合作框架还会继续下去?
  SECRETARY CLINTON: Yes, and we are going to build on the 10-year strategic dialogue about climate change and clean energy. We want to expand it even more and I was heartened by the commitments shown by the Chinese government to Copenhagen, that they want to participate and look for how the Chinese economy and the Chinese policies can contribute to lowering emissions.
  Historically, as you know, the United States is the greatest emitter. But this year the Chinese surpassed us. And we can’t look at per capita basis, we have to look at absolute emissions, and how we reverse that. So this is going to be an expanded aspect of our dialogue.
  PROFESSOR QI: There is no question that China and the U.S. are the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. And that is also a very important reason for the two to work together. And when the two governments working hard, trying to get kind of agreement, you know, one of the things is to find a common base.  
  中国日报网 齐晔:毫无疑问中国和美国两个国家更有理由进行合作,两国政府正在努力在这一问题上达成一致,其中很重要的就是要找到(双方合作的)共同基础。

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