来源:优易学  2011-9-30 12:07:40   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

【网络综合 - GRE留学外语考试试题】:
 97年4月section 1

  1. 【中文释义】


  【解题分析】 less than表否定,anything more than表“不仅仅是”,nothing more than 和little more than 表“只不过是”。

  【重点词条】 fleeting : passing swiftly: transitory syn see transient —— fleet.ing.ly adv —— fleet.ing.ness n

  qualified 1 a: fitted (as by training or experience) for a given purpose: competent b: having complied with the specific requirements or precedent conditions (as for an office or employment): eligible 2: limited or modified in some way <~ approval> —— qual.i.fied.ly adv

  2. 【中文释义】当一个人突然失去知觉时,旁观者并不需要诊断问题,而应试图去消减该问题的后果 如果致命的生理功能停止了的话,应激活它们。

  【解题分析】by前后进行推理,starting vital function和its effect(lose consciousness)是相反方向的事件,a: precipitate反而是促进,b,c,e都没有表现出相反的概念。答案d.

  【重点词条】counter 1 a: contrary: opposite b: opposing: retaliatory 2: complementary: corresponding 3: duplicate: substitute

  1 a: to act in opposition to: oppose b: offset, nullify 2: to adduce in answer ~ vi: to meet attacks or arguments with defensive or retaliatory steps

  magnify 1 a: extol, laud b: to cause to be held in greater esteem or respect 2 a: to increase in significance: intensify b: exaggerate 3: to enlarge in fact or in appearance ~ vi: to have the power of causing objects to appear larger than they are

  3.【中文释义】这些话只是少许幽默, 可能会引发轻轻一笑,但绝对不会是大笑。

  【解题分析】inviting a chuck 为分隔,可推断c,e, 再由第二空得e.

  【重点词条】invite 1 a: to offer an incentive or inducement to: entice b: to increase the likelihood of 2 a: to request the presence or participation of b: to request formally c: to urge politely: welcome —— in.vit.er n 2in.vite n (1659): invitation

  chuckle 1: to laugh inwardly or quietly 2: to make a continuous gentle sound resembling suppressed mirth —— chuckle n —— chuck.le.some adj —— chuck.ling.ly adv

  rebuke 1 a: to criticize sharply: reprimand b: to serve as a rebuke to 2: to turn back or keep down: check syn see reprove —— re.buk.er n 2rebuk

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