来源:优易学  2011-9-30 12:05:10   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


  peripheral 1: of, relating to, involving, or forming a periphery or surface part 2: of, relating to, or being part of the peripheral nervous system <~ nerves> 3: of, relating to, or being the outer part of the field of vision 4: auxiliary, supplementary <~ equipment>; also: of or relating to computer peripherals —— pe.riph.er.al.ly adv 2peripheral n (1966): a device connected to a computer to provide communication (as input and output) or auxiliary functions (as additional storage)

  contiguous 1: being in actual contact: touching along a boundary or at a point 2 of angles: adjacent 2 3: next or near in time or sequence 4: touching or connected throughout in an unbroken sequence <~ row houses> syn see adjacent —— con.tig.u.ous.ly adv —— con.tig.u.ous.ness n

  analogous 1: showing an analogy or a likeness that permits one to draw an analogy 2: being or related to as an analogue syn see similar —— anal.o.gous.ly adv —— anal.o.gous.ness n

  inconsistent a: not compatible with another fact or claim <~ statements> b: containing incompatible elements c: incoherent or illogical in thought or actions: changeable d: not satisfiable by the same set of values for the unknowns <~ equations> <~ inequalities> —— in.con.sis.tent.ly adv

  3. 【中文释义】




  又是一道现在的动作证明了过去的某声誉为假的老题,类似的题目出现在科学家身上(No.8 section3 3rd), 出现在文学评论家身上(93年10月section5 7th), 现在又到了文献目录学身上。我很同情ETS, 他已经很难玩出什么新花样了。本题中第二空格是伤害过去声誉的动作,a和e侯选,又需要时间对比前后反义词,e正确。


  imprecise not precise: inexact, vague —— im.pre.cise.ly adv —— im.pre.cise.ness n —— im.pre.ci.sion n

  relevance 1 a: relation to the matter at hand b: practical and esp. social applicability: pertinence 2: the ability

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