来源:优易学  2011-10-12 10:26:12   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

  Leaving the booth, Solo flipped the bartender a handful of coins as he and Chewbacca moved off. "Sorry for the mess. I always was a rotten host." Heavily armed troopers hurried down the narrow alleyway, glowering from time to time at the darkly clad beings who hawked exotic goods from dingy little stalls. Here in Mos Eisley’s inner regions the walls were high and narrow, turning the passageway into tunnel.

  No one stared angrily back at them; no one shouted imprecations or mouthed obscenities. These armored figures moved with the authority of the Empire, their sidearms boldly displayed and activated. All around, men, not-men, and mechanicals were crouched in waste-littered doorways. Among accumulations of garbage and filth they exchanged information and concluded transactions of dubious legality.

  A hot wind moaned down the alleyway and the troopers closed their formation.

  Their precision and order masked a fear of such claustrophobic quarters.

  One paused to check a door, only to discover it tightly locked and bolted. A sand-encrusted human shambling nearby visited a half-mad harangue on the trooper.

  Shrugging inwardly, the soldier gave the crazy human a sour eye before moving on down the alley to join up again with his fellow.

