来源:优易学  2009-9-29 11:47:21   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
作为国庆献礼大片,《建国大业》(The Founding of a Republic)可谓众星云集。网友在看过预告片之后,纷纷感慨:“《建国大业》,见过大爷,但没见过这么多大爷”,而对于这种“吸星大法”能否将国产爱国主义影片的从窘境中解救出来,人们也持怀疑态度......

    万众期待的《建国大业》让你仿佛置身于一架超载的电梯之中。但要注意,在你周围的并非普通人,而是当下正炙手可热的巨星们。 the much-anticipated film The Founding of a Republic (建国大业) will be a little like stepping into an elevator crammed with people. And, mind you, these aren`t just ordinary people, but big-time celebrities.
共有170多位明星加盟此片的拍摄,其中包括专业演员、歌手、导演、模特以及艺术家,如成龙,刘德华,章子怡和李连杰。 More than 170 actors, singers, directors, models and artists all put in appearances, including Jacky Chan, Andy Lau, Zhang Ziyi and Jet Li.

    乍看来,对于一直以来都缺乏新意的爱国主义主题电影来说,通过抓人眼球来达到刺激票房销售的目的,这不失为一个好办法。但这剂“票房灵药”未必能够经得住时间的考验。 On first thought, this is a sure-fire way to boost box office sales, which have always tended to lag on patriotic films. But it`s likely not a formula that will last the test of time.

    首先,大部分演员都是零片酬出演,可这种情况可遇不可求。 First of all, most of these actors are working for free – how often is that going to happen again?

    再者,李连杰和章子怡在片中短短90秒的镜头显然不能满足影迷的要求,因为他们已经习惯看到自己的偶像在片中演足90分钟。 Second, seeing Jet Li or Zhang Ziyi for all of 90 seconds isn`t going to bring in many fans who want to see them for 90 minutes.

    所以,对于今后爱国主义影片的拍摄,导演们应向哪里取经?向好莱坞学习?答案是肯定的,但需三思而后行。 So, then, where should directors of future patriotic films look for inspiration? To Hollywood, of course – but with a wary eye.

    《爱国者》一片讲述的是发生在美国独立战争(1775年—1783年)期间的故事,影片使得主演梅尔-吉布森人气急升,同时也缔造了个人英雄主义的神话。同许多同类影片一样,有评论指出片中历史背景模糊不清,但这并不影响数以百万计的观众对于理想主义的向往。 The Patriot, a story that takes place during the American Revolutionary War (1775–1783), raised leading actor Mel Gibson`s popularity and promoted the myth of individualistic heroism. Like a lot of historical movies, it was criticized for its inaccuracy. But that didn`t seem to bother the millions who showed up to bask in its idealism.

    1996拍摄的影片《独立日》,事实上,影片本身与历史毫无关系,但是也获得巨大的商业上的成功。本片也成为当年全美最卖座的电影。 The 1996 film Independence Day, as it turns out, had nothing to do with history, but it was also a great commercial success: It became the highest-grossing film in the US that year.

    这里我们需要弄明白的是:为了赢得观众的心并取得商业上的成功,爱国主义电影无需精准地再现历史,甚至可以无关历史。我们要做的只是打动观众,而这不是仅仅依靠明星“扎堆效应”就能办到的。 If you`re sensing a theme here, it is that patriotic films need not be accurate or even historical to win the heart – and the wallets – of filmgoers. They simply need to make audience members feel good. And throwing a bunch of stars on the screen doesn`t always do that.

以《珍珠港》为例,片中确实有很多动作的场面,但是主演(本-阿弗莱克,乔什-哈奈特以及凯特-贝金赛尔)之间那欲语还休的三角恋情使得故事情节与影片主题脱节。 Take Pearl Harbor, for example. True, there was lots of action, but the silly love triangle between Ben Affleck, Josh Harnett and Kate Beckinsale distracted from the focus of the film.

“当他们在影片中爱来爱去时,这是对观众耐心的一个考验。”时代杂志的理查德-史可尔在评论中写到。 "[It] required a lot of patience for an audience to sit through the dithering," Time magazine`s Richard Schickel wrote.

巨星出演当然有益无害,但仅仅依靠明星是不够的。像乔什-哈奈特、章子怡这样的明星,他们的表演世界需要一些经得住时间考验的主题,而非陈腔滥调。 The big names don`t hurt, of course, but they are not enough. The Josh Hartnetts and Zhang Ziyis of the acting world need to be accompanied by timeless themes – not tired cliches.

而《建国大业》的导演韩三平认为,中国的爱国主义电影需要充分考虑到如何满足当今观众的口味。 Han Sanping, director of The Founding of a Republic, thinks patriotic Chinese films should take the tastes of today`s viewers into consideration.

几天前,在新浪网的采访中,韩三平说:“在此之前,爱国主义影片显得既单调乏味又缺少新意,这些影片已经很难再吸引观众了,尤其对于那些80后90后一代来说。” "The Chinese patriotic films with a socialist theme were so monotonous and stereotypical," Han said recently during an interview with sina.com.cn. "It would be hard for them to attract people anymore, especially for the post-80s and 90s generation."

bask 享受,得到满足
dithering 踌躇
inaccuracy 不准确
lag 滞后
monotonous 单调乏味的
patriotic 爱国的
stereotypical 一成不变的
wary 警惕的


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