来源:优易学  2011-9-30 14:32:54   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

/uh/ —— ob.scure.ly adv —— ob.scure.ness n

  clarify 1: to make (as a liquid) clear or pure usu. by freeing from suspended matter 2: to free of confusion 3: to make understandable ~ vi: to become clear —— clar.i.fi.ca.tion n —— clar.i.fi.er n


  【解题分析】一套比较好的题型,第一种人需要must consciously 做一件事。故一对比即可知道后文的without后应填上consciously对应的同义词。答案选e。

  【重点词条】duplicity 1: contradictory doubleness of thought, speech, or action; esp: the belying of one's true intentions by deceptive words or action 2: the quality or state of being double or twofold 3: the technically incorrect use of two or more distinct items (as claims, charges, or defenses) in a single legal action


  【解题分析】该题题干与98年4月section 4的第五题几乎完全一样,逻辑结构也一样,只不过4月份的考卷中议员说了真话,而11月份中又说了假话而已。



  【解题分析】上下句转折,上句谈这种转变可能会有作用,下句的主语是its impact,下句应对上句提出否定,答案e的 inconsiderable指影响力微不足道,表否定,成为正确答案

  【重点词条】betray 1: to lead astray; esp: seduce 2: to deliver to an enemy by treachery 3: to fail or desert esp. in time of need 4 a: to reveal unintentionally b: show, indicate c: to disclose in violation of confidence ~ vi: to prove false syn see reveal —— be.tray.al n —— be.tray.er n

  augur 1: an official diviner of ancient Rome 2: one held to foretell events by omens 2augur vt (1601) 1: to foretell esp. from omens 2: to give promise of: presage ~ vi: to predict the future esp. from omens

  inconsiderable able adj (1637): not considerable: trivial —— in.con.sid.er.able.ness n —— in.con.sid.er.ably adv


  【解题分析】this ancient creature指代上文的 bird ,所以第一空格填 ancient 的同义词,可选a和 c,下文中又有了一次比较,可得知这个古代的鸟没有牙齿,而它和今天的鸟在有没有牙齿这个问题上是相同还是不同呢?当然,今天的鸟也没有牙齿,所以答案选 c。

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