来源:优易学  2011-9-30 14:32:54   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

: permitting mutual substitution <~ parts> —— in.ter.change.abil.i.ty n —— in.ter.change.able.ness n —— in.ter.change.ably adv

  misapprehension to apprehend wrongly: misunderstand —— mis.ap.pre.hen.sion n



  【重点词条】equipoise 1: a state of equilibrium 2: counterbalance 2equipoise vt (1664) 1: to serve as an equipoise to 2: to put or hold in equipoise

  level : steady, unwavering (2): calm, unexcited 3: reasonable, balanced


  【解题分析】分号句上下句重复。上句讲她的做法是undeniable的,所以下句应对她和艺术的关系作褒扬,而anything but表示否定,故第二空格应为贬义词,b.c.候选,但b的disengaged不能作relationship 的表语,故选c.

  【重点词条】 dabbling n.a superficial or intermittent interest, investigation, or experiment

  indecision : a wavering between two or more possible courses of action: irresolution considered 1: matured by extended deliberative thought 2: viewed with respect or esteem

  disengage : to release from something that engages or involves ~ vi: to release or detach oneself: withdraw —— dis.en.gage.ment n



  【重点词条】identify ) 1 a: to cause to be or become identical b: to conceive as united (as in spirit, outlook, or principle) 2 a: to establish the identity of b: to determine the taxonomic position of (a biological specimen) ~ vi 1: to be or become the same 2: to practice psychological identification <~ with the hero of a novel> —— iden.ti.fi.able adj —— iden.ti.fi.ably adv

  obscure 1 a: dark, dim b: shrouded in or hidden by darkness c: not clearly seen or easily distinguished: faint 2: not readily understood or clearly expressed; also: mysterious 3: relatively unknown: as a: remote, secluded b: not prominent or famous 4: constituting an unstressed vowel having the value of

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