来源:优易学  2011-12-23 15:10:12   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

二) 如果不是, 则为非谓语动词. 常考在句首做状语逻辑主语为句子主语,或介词+分词其逻辑主语也为句子主语, 在句尾表示伴随动作状态, 伴随功能结果. 当然还有其他用法但考的频率没上述点考的高.重点掌握上述考点可解决多于一半的分词题目

  Reared apart from each other,  a recent united states study showed striking similarities in identical twins including many idiosyncrasies of  behavior.
  A Reared apart from each other,  a recent united states study showed striking similarities in identical twins including many idiosyncrasies of  behavior.
  B  Reared apart from each other , striking similarities between identical twins that include many idiosyncrasies of behavior  were shown in a recent United states study.
  C A recent United states study showed striking similarities in identical twins reared apart from each other that include many idiosyncrasies  of  behavior
  D According to a recent United states study , identical twins reared apart from each other showed striking similarities , including many idiosyncrasies of behavior.
  E According to a recent united states study, identical twins showed striking similarities reared apart from each other, including many idiosyncrasies behavior.
  此题从题目划线部分可以看出rear apart 其逻辑主语为句子主语而study 不能被分开来抚养. B 相似性也不能分开抚养  C定语从句修饰要贴近先行词否则会引起争议.D为正确答案.


  划线部分有无代词, 如果有80%都是错的.找其指代注意划线与未划线部分的协调.
  The only way for growers to salvage frozen citrus is to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.
  A. to process them quickly into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.
  B if they are quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns to rot them
  C for them to be processed quickly into juice concentrate before the fruit rots when warmer weather returns
  D if the fruit is quickly processed into juice concentrate before they rot when warmer weather returns.
  E to have it quickly processed into juice concentrate before warmer weather returns and rots the fruit.
  此题考点有两个1) 代词指代错 物质名词为单数处理 citrus 2) the only way is to do 固定用法,所以答案为 E

  第三法宝: 平行结构有无的判断

  在GMAT 考试中平行结构是出错较高的语法点之一, 注意下列几点:


  1) 连接词的正确使用   and /or/ but  yet / both and / not only but also/ either or/not but  rather than ,not X but (rather) Y ,more X than Y, the same to X as to Y  ,

  A)语法上对称,如to do is to do..;
  C) 宾语从句并列 overestimate that and underestimate that
  D)过去分词可以与现在分词并列 what 从句可以与名词并列


  A) 抽象名词不能对具体名词 slowing growth or damaging forest
  B)动作名词不能对纯名词  assignment or staff
  C).整体名词不能对个体概念  no money or staff members
  D).泛指不能对特指 less lending and the increased pressure


  定语从句不能与状语从句并列,  WHAT从句不能与HOW 从句并列


  suspect the police of having taped their conversation and of using


  最后希望大家在GMAT考试中取得好成绩, 如果在学习过程中遇到什么问题可以直接参加新东方的GMAT班。也可直接登陆我的个人主页http://teacherzhaoli. com 上有在线的BBS,可在线留言给我,或发email给我。让我们共同努力攻克GMAT的难关,愿你高分的路上有我在你左右。

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