来源:优易学  2011-9-22 9:21:43   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

  国民生产总值 GNP gross national product(商品和劳务币值总和,包括海外收入支出)

  人均国内生产总值 GDP per capita

  鼓励增加即期消费 encourage more immediate consumption

  长期国债 long-term treasury bonds

  支付国债利息 to service treasury bonds

  财政赤字和债务 deficits and the national debt

  按原口径计算 calculate on the base line

  按不变价格计算 calculate at constant price

  按可比价格计算 calculate at comparable price

  列入财政预算支出 listed in the fiscal budget

  结售汇制度 the system of exchange, settlement and sales

  经常项目顺差 favorable balance of current account, surplus of current account

  开办人民币业务 engage in Renminbi (RMB) business

  出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods

  保证金台帐制度 Deposit account system for processing trade

  分期付款 pay by installment

  保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings

  抵押贷款 collateralised loans

  住房抵押贷款 residential mortgage loan

  技术密集型 technology intensive

  大规模生产 mass production

