来源:优易学  2011-9-28 9:51:21   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
CounterpartyThe other party to an agreement.
Forward Rate Agreement / FRAA forward contract specifying an interest rate that will be paid on a future date. Similar to futures, but more flexible in terms of dates.
FuturesAn agreement to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a specified price.
Interest Rate Swap / SwapA contract formed between two parties for the purpose of exchanging their respective obligations such as interest rate obligations.
CommoditiesProducts that can be processed and resold in the market such as gold, silver iron, coal, aluminum, etc.
订约方 协议的另一方。
远期利率协议/FRA 详细说明在未来某一日期将会支付一定利率的一份期货合同。与期货相似,但在日期上更灵活。
期货 以一定价格在未来某一特定时间内购买或出售资产的一种协议。
利率互换/互换 出于交换各自义务诸如利率义务而在双方之间建立的一种合同。
商品 能加工并在市场上转卖的产品,如黄金、银、铁、煤、铝等。

