商业英语教程 第二课: 介绍业务伙伴1
来源:优易学  2010-2-4 14:14:57   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

English For Business
第二课: 介绍业务伙伴
Lesson 2: Meet The Team
各位听众朋友好,欢迎您收听澳洲广播电台中文部为您编播制作的“商业英语教程”节目,我是主持人马健媛。这套节目由澳大利亚维多利亚州多元文化成人教育中心AMES编写。 在上一课中我们学习了如何向初次见面的业务伙伴简明扼要地介绍自己的职务和职责,另外我们还学习了当别人将您的姓名念错时我们应该如何委婉地去更正。 在今天的课程中,我们将要学习一些商务交谈中常用的缩略语、领略一下澳大利亚人的幽默感,另外我们还要学习如何和他人展开对话。 不过在开始学习新的内容之前,让我们先复习一遍我们上一课学过的对话内容,看看您还记得多少呢?
Harvey: Testing…are we on? Yes. OK. My name is Harvey Judd, I’m the Chief Purchasing Officer with Hale and Hearty Foods. I’m responsible for finding new products for the company to sell. Today I’m going to introduce to you my colleagues in the International department; that is if I can get anyone to speak to me, everyone’s so flat out…

Harvey: Ah, there’s Victoria. Hi, Vicky.
Victoria: Hello Harvey. Goodbye Harvey.
Harvey: Please, Vicky.
Victoria: Harvey, I prefer Victoria, if that’s OK.
Harvey: Oh sure, sorry. If you could just give your name, your title and a description of what you do…
Victoria: Oh, is this for tomorrow? Harvey: It’s for our promotion at the Beverage Fair, yes.
Victoria: OK. My name’s Victoria Song. I’m Assistant International PR Manager. I establish and maintain relationships with our overseas partners.
Harvey: Thanks, Victoria. Ah here’s Douglas. Excuse me, Douglas would you mind giving a brief description of your position?
Douglas: For goodness sakes Harvey, it’s Monday morning!
Harvey: Yes, Douglas. It’s for the display at the Beverage Fair tomorrow. It won’t take a minute, If you could just give your name, your title and a description of what you do.
Douglas: Oh, I see. My name is Douglas Hale. I’m the CEO of the company. I’m responsible for overseeing all local and international operations.
Harvey: Thanks, Douglas.

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