拉丁语学习:Latin Quotes and Phrases (B)
来源:优易学  2011-2-27 15:31:21   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

Balaenae nobis conservandae sunt! - Save the whales!

Beata Virgo (Maria) - The Blessed Virgin (Mary)

Beatae memoriae - Of blessed memory

Beati pacifici - Blessed are the peacemakers

Beati pauperes spiritu - Blessed are the poor in spirit

Beati possidentes - The happy who possess. (possession is nine points of the law) (Euripides)

Beatus - The blessed one

Bella detesta matribus - Wars, the horror of mothers. (Horace)

Bella gerant alii - Let others wage war

Bellum omium contra omnes - Everyman's struggle against everyman. (Thomas Hobbes)

Belua multorum es capitum - The people are a many-headed beast

Bene legere saecla vincere - To read well is to master the ages. (Professor Isaac Flagg)

Bene qui latuit, bene vixit - One who lives well, lives unnoticed. (Ovid)

Bene, cum Latine nescias, nolo manus meas in te maculare - Well, if you don't understand plain Latin, I'm not going to dirty my hands on you

Bene - Good

Beneficium accipere libertatem est vendere - To accept a favour is to sell freedom. (Publilius Syrus)

Bibere venenum in auro - Drink poison from a cup of gold

Bis dat qui cito dat - He gives twice who quickly gives. (Publius Syrus)

Bis in die (bid) - Twice a day

Bis interimitur qui suis armis perit - He is doubly destroyed who perishes by his own arms. (Syrus)

Bis repetita placent - The things that please are those that are asked for again and again. (Horace)

Bis vincit qui se vincit in victoria - He conquers twice who in the hour of conquest conquers himself. (Syrus)

Bis vivit qui bene vivit - He lives twice who lives well

Bona fide - In good faith. i. e. well-intentioned, fairly

Bona fides (noun) - Honest intention

Bona fortuna - Good luck!

Bona officia - Good services's

Bonum commune communitatis - General welfare. Literally, common good of the community

Bonum commune hominis - Common good of man

Bonum vinum laetificat cor hominis - Good wine gladdens a person's heart

Bovina Sancta! - Holy cow!

Braccae illae virides cum subucula rosea et tunica Caledonia-quam elenganter concinnatur! - Those green pants go so well with that pink shirt and the plaid jacket!

Braccae tuae aperiuntur - Your fly is open

Brevior saltare cum deformibus mulieribus est vita - Life is too short to dance with ugly women

Brevior saltare cum deformibus viris est vita - Life is too short to dance with ugly men

Brevis esse latoro obscurus fio - When I try to be brief, I speak gobbledegook

Brevis ipsa vita est sed malis fit longior - Our life is short but is made longer by misfortunes. (Publilius Syrus)

Busillis - Baffling puzzle or difficult point

