来源:优易学  2010-1-20 16:54:21   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店



Directions: Read the following passages and then answer IN COMPLETE SENTENCES the questions which follow each passage. Use only information from the passage you have just read and write your answer in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1-3
    Some of Britain's leading universities are embroiled in a ‘cash for degree course 'row after accepting foreign students from a fee- paying tutorial college that claims to be in partnership with them . The foreign applicants pay & 15.000 for one -year ‘foundation 'courses at Beilerbys college. Which claims to guarantee a place at one of 33 British universities with which it is linked. These include highly ranked institutions such as Nottingham are Southampton. Universities confirmed they accepted Bellerbys students but denied they guaranteed places.

    Bellerbys -which has campuses in Oxford, London. Cambridge and Hove in East Sussex-found undergraduate places for 400 foreign students last year . An undercover Sunday Times reporter was told by Bellerbys last week that he would have ‘no problem 'getting on the foundation course despite saying he performed badly at school . When Bellerbys was asked how it could guarantee a degree place. It said : ‘Because there are partner universities. '

    Cash -strapped universities are keen to take foreign students because they can charge them fees between & 6.000 and & 8.000 a year, almost double the sum received for teaching British undergraduates. The college's claim to guarantee students a university place is likely to anger students and schools struggling to win places at the top institutions, Trina Mawer, head of the independent Farlington school in Horsham, said : ‘This is just amazing , Those students are not being judged by the same standards as ours. It is most unfair to students who have worked hard to get good A -levels . I understand the universities ' need for extra money , but this scheme makes  a mockery of our exam system and university admissions. 

    Last week the reporter , posing as a Bosnian student and speaking broken English , approached an admissions adviser at Bellerbys to ask about his chances of getting into the college and then joining a university engineering course . The adviser made it clear that the reporter would be given a place at Bellerbys  if the college considered he had done well at high school in Bosnia or had shown potential . The adviser told the reporter " We can guarantee you entry to one of our 33 partner universities. " a pledge that also appears on the college's website . When the reporter said : "My father tell me , my father wants me to go to school in England ... my marks in high school are not very good ." the adviser replied : " We will look at your marks and I think that it won't be a problem " The university at which Bellerbys students win a place depends on their score in the foundation course, which is marked by the college's staff.

    A second reporter, posing as the guardian of a Chinese student, was told a score of between 70% and 85% would be required by Nottingham and Southampton . An admissions officer added : " With [40%] you could get the University of Aston , Brighton or Buckingham . " The tutor said the student must have finished high school in China and have a score of 41/2 out of 9 in the IELTS . Universities usually require a score of at least 6 from foreign students applying directly.

    Bellerbys defended its courses, claiming students studied elements of A - levels and worked at the "same degree of directly ". Bellerbys in Hove's vice - principal Peter Corcut said : "Because it is shorter we take key topics from A -level courses. Every applicant's school grades are assessed before they come on the course."

    Christine Humfrey, director of the international office at Nottingham. Said the university had accepted 20-30 foreign students from Bellerbys this year, some from the foundation programmed.  All those accepted had been suitable candidates. "We wouldn't admit them if we thought they would not do well. " she said. Southampton also takes students from Bellerbys but denied guaranteeing places.

    Stephen Miller, deputy vice-chancellor at City University , London , which appears as a "partner " university on the Bellerbys website. Denied there was a formal arrangement with the college. "We take their students, but we don't guarantee anyone a place," he said. "The foundation pressure is recognized by us as equivalent to our A-Level requirements . " The financial pressure on universities has been highlighted by lvor Crewe, vice -chancellor of Essex University , who has said the presence of foreign students "is simply what makes it possible for the academic enterprise to continue. "

1. What is the "cash for degree courses "row mentioned in the passage?
2. Give a brief introduction of Bellerbys college's enrollment of foreign students . What does the reporters investigation of the college tell us ?
3. What can be concluded from the replies from the partner universities?

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