口语语汇全集:第五单元 第一部分 核心语汇5
来源:优易学  2010-2-2 10:43:05   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店



Basic need


Everyday Expressions

vt. 敲打

Boys beat drums.

vt. 击败

We beat them by a score of 5 to 3.

vi. (心脏) 跳动

Her heart was beating furiously.


beater (破旧汽车);

beating (击败/美容)


heartbeat (心跳)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

心跳急促 --- sbs heart beats high

压价到2美元 --- beat down the price to 2 bucks

痛打某人 --- beat sb. up

把某人打死 --- beat sb. to death

在某方面击败某人 --- beat sb at sth

(按音乐)打拍子 --- beat time (to sth)

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

Beats me! --- 难倒我了!

Beat it! --- 走开!

beat ones head against a wall --- 徒劳无功

beat about the bush --- 拐弯抹角,东拉西扯

beat sb to it --- 抢先一步,捷足先登

生活用语 Street Talks

Lets go to have a beating. (massage or facial)

My heart beat high. (心跳得急)

South Korea beat Spain in the quarterfinals. (半决赛)

Bet I can beat you to the end of the street! (in a race)

Running there beats walking there. (running is better than walking)

A: Hey Sam whats going on?

B: I’m think about Victoria.

A: About what?

B: She beats me. Some days she’s very nice to me and other days she won’t even give me the time of the day.

A: Hey VV I called you several times last night. Where were you? Hey, wait wait.

B: Beat it! Ive had it with you. (我受够你了。)

A: Im beat! Lets go home. (Im tired.)

B: Yeah! Lets cruise. (Lets go.)

电影对白 Transcripts

句型 If you make it, you just might beat her there. 《情归巴黎》

谚语 Proverbs

If you beat spice, it will smell the sweeter.香料越打越香。

If you cant beat them, join them.打不过他们,就加入到他们中去。

