口语语汇全集:第二部分 语汇练习
来源:优易学  2010-1-29 10:03:17   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

I. 下面这些人们常见的 actions 到底指什么呢,请填空说明(有可能有多种含义)

1. People often smile when …………………………………………………………………………

2. They often breathe quickly after…………………………………………………………………..

3. They laugh when…………………………………………………………………………………..

4. They blow their noses……………………………………………………………………………..

5.They shake their heads……………………………………………………………………………..

6. They cry…………………………………………………………………………………………

7. They yawn when…………………………………………………………………………………..

Possible Answer: 1. theyre happy or being polite

2. running

3. theyre happy or when there is something very funny

4. when they have a cold

5. when they want to say no

6. when theyre sad

7. when theyre tired or bored

II. 人通常被形容成为某种动物。下列这些与动物有关的形容词是描写人的状态,请划线对应。

sheepish:                 malicious-tongued

cocky                    bad-tempered

Mousy:                  dull, uninteresting, shy, quiet

dogged:                  stubborn

catty                     awkwardly self-conscious

ratty                     arrogant

III. 下列一对单词中的黑体字母发音是否相同? 请分辨并注明音标。

Examples: whale water (different)    cat   camel (same)

1. lion       tiger        2. leopard       mosquito

3. bear       eagle       4. gorilla        giraffe

5. spider     wild        6. monkey       mosquito

7. camel     snake       8. leopard       shark

9. dog       wasp       10 mouse        cow

keys:  1 same /ai/           2  different /e/, /?/            3 different  /??/ /?:/            4 different /g/ /??/

5 same /ai/           6 different /?/ /?/              7 different /? /  /ei/            8 different/?:/ /?:/

9 same /?/           10 same /au/

IV. 下面有十四个单词分别对应人体的部位,请从横向或纵向排列中找出来。

C    E    L    B    O    W    A

H    T     I    A    E    N    R

I     O    P    C    Y    A    M

N    E    C    K    E     I    H

I     H    A    N    K    L    E

K    C    H    E     S    T    E

C    H    E    E     K    A    L

Keys: chin, elbow, toe, neck, lip, eye, cheek, chest, ankle, arm, heel, nail, back, knee,


VI. 有些名词叫集合名词,即描述一个群体的名词,不需要加 s es, people, gang等。请用下列的集合名词填空。 company  team   crew   staff    cast

1. A ……………of rescue-workers arrived at the scene of disaster.

2. The …………..were all saved when the ship sank.

3. The …………….are rehearsing a new production.

4. The ………………were all amateurs.

5. The  ………………are on strike.

Keys: 1. team  2. crew 3. company(指一群演员) 4. cast (指演员阵容) 5. staff


V. 把下列英文谚语翻译成中文,注意核心名词的用法。

1. Dont judge a mans actions at first sight; give them a second look.

2. The rich get richer and the poor get babies.

3. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

4. The early bird catches the worm.

5. A little body often harbors a great soul.

6. As the boy is, so is the man.

7. Business neglected is business lost.

8. A clock that stands still is better than one that goes wrong.

9. Two is company, three is a crowd.

