口语语汇全集:第一部分 核心语汇7
来源:优易学  2010-1-28 10:48:37   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店



Basic need

音形义 Everyday Expressions

n. 男孩

Put out that troublesome boy. (把那个捣蛋的男孩赶出去。)

n. 孩子

Cheer up, my boy!

n. 服务员

The bell boy is very responsible.

intej (美国口语中)表示惊奇的感叹词

Oh, boy ,what a beautiful girl!


boyhood (少年时代);

boyish (孩子气的)


boyfriend (男朋友 );

playboy (花花公子);

the Boy Scouts (童子军);

busboy (餐馆中打扫桌子的人)

常见搭配 Useful Phrases

农场工人 --- a farm boy

报童 --- a newspaper boy

习语与俗语 Idioms & Slangs

page boy --- 听差的男孩

party boy --- 善交际的男子

home boy --- 老乡

the boys --- 哥儿们

活用语 Street Talks

The cowboys in that movie are mostly nature boys.(男性味十足的男人)

A: Oh, boy! Look at that! (哎!哇!)

B: Whats up? A: That house is on fire!

A: Mr. Smith, your son saved his classmate from drowning thismorning!

B: Thats my boy! (好小子)

A: Boy, youre in trouble!

B: Why?

A: Mom found out youve been skipping school.

I went to the bar with the boys last night.

电影对白 Transcripts

句型  I like to know what my boys are up to. 《毕业生》

That boy sure is a running fool. 《阿甘正传》

So, you boys from Arkansas, huh? 《阿甘正传》

对话  Mr.Braddock: Listen. Now I'm going to ask for a big round ofapplause to bring this boy out hereAll right.Now wait a minuteOh, let me amendthatto bring this young man out herebecause today he is twenty-one years old

Mr. Arnold: Yeah. Let's get on with the show! 《毕业生》

谚语 Proverbs

As the boy is, so is the man.三岁看老。

名言 Quotations

There comes a time in every rightly constructed boys life when he has a raging desire to go somewhere and dig for hidden treasure.Mark Twain (1835-1910), U.S. author. Tom Sawyer, ch. 26 (1876).

