来源:优易学  2010-1-20 14:33:10   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


  David: What's on today, Xiao Wang?//

  Xiao Wang: 今天我们去长城,并在那里午餐,下午回来的路上还要去看看十三陵。// 你一定听说过长城,来到北京,长城是一定要去的。// 十三陵是明朝13个皇帝和皇后的坟墓,是15世纪建造的,虽然没有长城有名,但也很值得一看。//

  David: I've read about the renowned Chinese wall. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World, I believe. It is said to be the only man-made project on earth which is visible from a satellite. //

  Xiao Wang: 我们中国人叫它“万里长城”,实际上全长6000多公里,最初建于近2500年前的战国时期。// 当时中国还不是一个统一的国家,而是分为7国。北方的几个国家修建城墙用来防御来自北方的侵犯。// 公元前221年秦始皇统一中国后将各段长城连接起来并加以延长。据历史记载大约有100万人参加过这一长达十多年的工程。

  David: Was the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty the one in whose tomb were discovered the terra-cotta warriors? //

  Xiao Wang: 是的。除了修建长城以外,他也作过不少事情。虽然他的王朝是短命的,但他对中国历史的影响却是巨大的。

  David: Imagine it was more than 2,000 years ago when there was no machinery and everything had to be done by bare hands. // Yet they managed to build a wall like this and the terra-cotta warriors, which, as many people say, have become the eighth wonder of the world. //

  Xiao Wang: 今天我们去的那段长城叫八达岭,这是保卫北京的一个战略要地,离北京约75公里。现在有了高速公路,不到两个小时就到了。// 关于长城你若有什么问题的话,不论是在路上还是到了那里随时都可以问我。//

  David: Thank you for your briefing. I'm sure our visit to the Great Wall will give me a better understanding of Chinese history and the wisdom of the Chinese people.//

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