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  But let not the foundation of our hope rest upon man's wisdom. It will not be sufficient that sectional prejudices find no place in the public deliberations. It will not be sufficient that the rash counsels of human passion are rejected. It must be felt that there is no national security but in the nation's humble, acknowledged dependence upon God and His overruling providence.
  We have been carried in safety through a perilous crisis. Wise counsels, like those which gave us the Constitution, prevailed to uphold it. Let the period be remembered as an admonition, and not as an encouragement, in any section of the Union, to make experiments where experiments are fraught with such fearful hazard. Let it be impressed upon all hearts that, beautiful as our fabric is, no earthly power or wisdom could ever reunite its broken fragments. Standing, as I do, almost within view of the green slopes of Monticello, and, as it were, within reach of the tomb of Washington, with all the cherished memories of the past gathering around me like so many eloquent voices of exhortation from heaven, I can express no better hope for my country than that the kind Providence which smiled upon our fathers may enable their children to preserve the blessings they have inherited.
  富兰克林·皮尔斯(Franklin Pierce ,1804年11月23日——1869年10月8日)是美国第14任总统,生于新罕布什尔州。
  富兰克林·皮尔斯是同情南方政治主张的北方人。1 8 5 4 年美国国会通过《堪萨斯—内布拉斯加法案》,允许该两州公开畜奴,引起了堪萨斯内战。皮尔斯站在南方奴隶主的立场上,派兵镇压反对奴隶制的移民。他对外奉行扩张政策,对我国台湾省怀有野心,并勾结英、法帝国主义对我国和其他国家进行侵略活动。由于他对南方的同情不能见容于北部各州,促成了国家的,故担任四年总统就下了台。
  他的父本杰明·皮尔斯曾任新罕布什尔州州长。皮尔斯1820年考入鲍上因学院,毕业之后,继续留在鲍土因学院,改学法律。1827年被律师公会接纳,从此 走上了政治生涯。先后任州议员、美国众议员和参议员。1852年,民主党代表大会上,他作为妥协人选被提名,意外地赢得了提名及大选。就职后,在对外政策方面,他尽力扩大美国的领土和增加商业利益。为购买古巴,他曾命令美国驻西班牙公使索雷鼓动欧洲金融家对西班牙政府施加影响。他以1000万美元从墨西哥购买了近3万平方英里的土地(1853年)。在对内政策方面,曾筹建横贯大陆的铁路,开发西北地区并向这一地区移民。1854年通过堪萨斯一内布拉斯加法案建立新州。随后堪萨斯内战爆发。这是南方奴隶主集团积极向北扩张的产物。由于皮尔斯包庇、纵容南方,他对这次事件有着不可推卸的责任。他任满后退隐。

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