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or conviction c: an outbreak of anger 5 a: ardent affection: love b: a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept c: sexual desire d: an object of desire or deep interest —— pas.sion.less adj

  annihilate1 a: to cause to be of no effect: nullify b: to destroy the substance or force of 2: to regard as of no consequence 3: to cause to cease to exist; esp: kill 4 a: to destroy a considerable part of b: to vanquish completely: rout ~ vi, of a particle and its antiparticle: to vanish or cease to exist by coming together and changing into other forms of energy (as radiation or particles) —— an.ni.hi.la.tion n —— an.ni.hi.la.tor n —— an.ni.hi.la.to.ry adj


  【解题分析】leads to 这个短语在No.7第一套section 1的第六题就出现过,与这一题的考法完全一致,continue,remain ,lead to都会产生同义词; become,trasition,change都会导致反义词。应该将discrete填到第一空格,答案为c。

  【重点词条】discrete 1: constituting a separate entity: individually distinct 2 a: consisting of distinct or unconnected elements: noncontinuous b: taking on or having a finite or countably infinite number of values <~ probabilities> syn see distinct —— dis.crete.ly adv

  digression ) 1: the act or an instance of digressing in a discourse or other usu. organized literary work 2 archaic: a going aside —— di.gres.sion.al adj —— di.gres.sion.ary adj

  gradation 1 a: a series forming successive stages b: a step or place in an ordered scale 2: an advance by regular degrees 3: a gradual passing from one tint or shade to another 4: the act or process of grading 5: ablaut —— gra.da.tion.al adj —— gra.da.tion.al.ly adv

  ambiguity 1 a: the quality or state of being ambiguous esp. in meaning b: an ambiguous word or expression 2: uncertainty

  7.【中文释义】在phaistos的Minoan 遗址所发现的独特的泥板通常被学者们举证为最早的印刷的例子,这些学者支持这泥板(第一块印刷品)的权利,尽管有很多同等的观点支持其它印刷的人工制品。

  【解题分析】by的解题方法又一次出现,by 前要填学者的动作,而by后告诉这个动作"defened its claim to this status"。its指代的是clay disk, claim的意思是“特性”, this status 指上文的"as the earliest example", 故下句明确说明学者们defend即支持clay disk 具有这种特征。所以上句仍应为学者们认可支持这种看法。事实上despite之后说得更明确,转折之后支持other printing artifacts, 所以上文的学者当然是支持上文的clay disk为earliest example.正确答案为c。


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