来源:优易学  2011-11-16 12:23:05   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

Section Ⅰ Listening Comprehension
  A: Let me introduce my friend Jane to you.
  B: Nice to meet you, Jane.
 1.Who was introduced?
  Jane.          I.           You.          
  M: Can you help me with these books?
  W: In a minute. I'm almost through with this chapter (章,回,篇).
 2.What is the woman doing?
  Helping with the books. Arranging the books.  Reading a book.     
  M: Are you leaving for the bus station at nine o'clock?
  W: I'm going earlier than that. My bus leaves at 9:15.
 3.When does the bus leave?
  At nine o'clock. 
  At nine fifteen. 
  Earlier than nine o'clock. 
  M: Can I see `Titanic' on Sunday?
  W: I'm not sure.
 4.When does the man want to see "Titanic"?
  Sunday.         Saturday.        Monday.         
  A: When is the bank open on Monday?
  B: From 8:00 in the morning to 4:00 in the afternoon.
 5.How long is the bank open on Monday?
  7 o'clock.       hours.         7 hours.        
  A twelve-year-old boy was saved in a river by a young man, whose name is still unknown. Yesterday morning the young man was riding across the bridge on his bicycle when he heard someone calling "Help!" in the river. He quickly got off his bicycle and found a boy was in danger in the river. He jumped into the river immediately and carried the boy to the bank. He laid the boy on his back and a doctor passing by gave him a mouth-to-mouth breathing. When the boy came back to life, the people around found the young man had left. He didn't tell what his name was and where he worked. It is said that he is a tall thin man and about 20 years old.
 6.What was the young man doing when he heard someone shouting for help?
  He was riding his bicycle across the bridge. 
  He was walking near the river. 
  He was swimming in the river. 

 7.How was the boy when he was carried onto the bank?
  He might have stopped breathing. 
  He lay down on the ground with fear. 
  He went away without saying anything. 

 8.What do we know about the young man?
  He is a stranger in the city. 
  He is not so good at swimming. 
  He is a tall thin young man. 

 9.Which of the following is true according to what you hear?
  A doctor helped give First Aid to the boy. 
  The people around carried the boy to hospital. 
  The boy left immediately after he came back to life.

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