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  1.        读文章时,拿出一张纸,记下你认为后面可能考的题和对应处,常见的有看到三个以上列举想到Which of the following或者EXCEPT,看到FOR EXAMPLE想到in order to,看到unless, yet想到取非等等,这些要自己有感应,然后去核对你猜对了多少;
  2.        每读完一段,快速记下该段的大意;读完全文,记下足够让你选出主旨题的中心词(题眼)
  3.        最后描画整篇文章的逻辑组织流程图,比如:天文学新发现质疑老观点→老观点陈述及支持理由→新观点的陈述及支持理由→新观点缺陷(让步)及应用前景


  Directions: Each passage in this section is followed by a group of questions to be answered on the basis of what is stated or implied in the passage. For some of the questions, more than one of the choices could conceivably answer the question However, you are to choose the best answer that is the response that most accurately and completely answers the questions and blacken the corresponding space on your answer sheet.

  Any study of autobiographical narratives that
  appeared under the ostensible authorship of
  African American writers between 1760 and 1865
  inevitably raises concerns about authenticity and
  (5)  interpretation. Should an autobiography whose
  written composition was literally out of the hands
  of its narrator be considered as the literary
  equivalent of those autobiographies that were
  authored independently by their subjects?
  (10)  In many cases, the so-called edited narrative of  
  an ex-slave ought to be treated as a ghostwritten   
  account insofar as literary analysis is concerned   
  especially when it as composed by its editor from
  “a statement of facts” provided by an African   
  (15) American subject. Blassingame has taken pains to 
  show that the editors of several of the more famous
  antebellum slave narratives were “noted for their 
  integrity” and thus were unlikely to distort the facts
  given them by slave narrators. From a literary  
  (20) standpoint, however, it is not the moral integrity of
  these editors that is at issue but the linguistic,   
  structural, and tonal integrity of the narratives they
  produced. Even if an editor faithfully reproduced
  the facts of a narrator’s life, it was still the editor
  (25) who decided what to make of these facts, how they
  should be emphasized, in what order they ought to
  be presented, and what was extraneous or germane.
  Readers of African American autobiography then
  and now have too readily accepted the presumption
  (30) of these eighteenth-and nineteenth-century editors
  that experiential facts recounted orally could be  
  recorded and sorted by an amanuensis-editor, 
  taken out of their original contexts, and then  
  published with editorial prefaces, footnotes, and
  (35) appended commentary, all without compromising
  the validity of the narrative as a product of an 
  African American consciousness. 
  2段开始就说编辑的自传被认为是“鬼文章”,后面有个“a statement of facts”,引号出现代表引用或反语,那么现在是什么呢?还用问,肯定是反语。前面是“鬼文章”,这样的文章能说真话吗?好,否了前面要讨论的真实性问题。继续读,发现后面B这个人站了出来为之辩护了并且也来了段“”,这里我们从前面知道作者肯定是否定,这里说是“内容真实”,主语又是B,显然是引用。LSAT的命题者真是用心良苦。紧接的两句话把“”的作用理解考查得天衣无缝。既然作者是否定态度,下面肯定接着就是驳斥吧!驳斥肯定是强转折,出现什么呢?强转折词!果然,后面20行来了我们久候的however!后面讲作者否决的理由,注意一下是哪几个方面,可能考细节题,哦!是关于对于moral integrity的缺乏。下面作者还不过瘾,再来个Even if,进一步以让步的方式从反面来批它,说主观能动性始终掌握在编辑者手里,而读者呢,很容易接受这种“重述”为事实,但是我们马上由too readily accepted the presumption即在一定假设基础上建立这种想法的。这种假设就是of 后的内容,其实我们马上知道这个假设就是一样东西转述后一定与原物等价,这个假设显然荒谬,“道听途说” 的古训都讲了几百年了,老美到今天还没意识到,真蠢!看透了这点把戏,你说LSAT难吗?这段作者就是说了authenticity的否定,先正说,再让步反着说,并且说了之所以到今天一个看似简单的问题还要拿出来纠正的原因是基于一个可笑的假设。弄到这里,你是作者,接下去你要说什么了,对了!interpretation的否定!怀抱着这样的信念,我们读下去吧!
  Transcribed narratives in which an editor  
  explicitly delimits his or her role undoubtedly may 
  (40) be regarded as more authentic and reflective of the
  narrator’s thought in action than those edited
  works that flesh out a statement of facts in ways 
  unaccounted for. Still, it would be na?ve to accord
  dictated oral narratives the same status as      
  (45) autobiographies composed and written by the  
  subjects of the stories themselves. This point is
  illustrated by an analysis of Works Progress 
  Administration interviews with ex-slaves in the 
  1930s that suggests that narrators often told   
  (50) interviewers what they seemed to want to hear. If
  it seemed impolitic for former slaves to tell all they
  knew and thought about the past to interviewers in
  the 1930s, the same could be said of escaped slaves
  on the run in the antebellum era. Dictated narratives 
  (55) therefore, are literary texts whose authenticity is  
  difficult to determine. Analysis should reserve close
  analytic readings for independently authored texts. 
  Discussion of collaborative texts should take into句,
  (60) production. 
  3段一开头作者给出的是more authentic and reflective的正评价,作者态度肯定是负的,那么不用问又是让步。等什么呢?强转折词呗!果然,后面接着43行出现了期待已久的Still,作者开始否定上述提出的观点,说这种将两者等价的说法是na?ve的,否定观点不言而喻!然后举例支持上述观点,拿WPA的例子,好!要是考in order to题,那么答案一定是说两样事物的不等价,不是the same status!后句作了个比较,其中有个僻词antebellum,知道什么意思吗?不知道,我告诉你……我也不知道。我不能查词典,但我知道这句话就是上句的同义转述,跟上句意思肯定是一样的。由If可知一定是反着将上句说了一遍。好!我们可以看到由下句的therefore知道作者的结论来了,屏气凝神,看看作者的结论是3个中的哪个。哦!原来是“难于决定”。下面是should即判断句,可能靠细节题,注意对象与细节特征词,发现是close analytic readings和independently.然后作者发现是为什么“难于决定”呢?作者说要考虑conditions!好了,主旨就是第3种结论,看情况决定A的地位!读完了文章,我们已经对所有的细节与层次结构了然于胸,1段作者提出论点,指出就两个角度讨论,然后2段开始批判authenticity的等价性,3段开始批判interpretation的等价性,最后作者提出结论3!整篇文章是“问题解决型”。弄清了之后,来吧,我们开始解题!争取30秒一个,我们刚才通读是花了4分钟左右。后面的题给的比较规范。
  14.Which of the following best summarizes the
  main point of the passage?
  (A)        The personal integrity of an autobiography’s
  editor has little relevance to its value as a
  literary work.
  (B)        Autobiographies dictated to editors are less
  valuable as literature than
  are autobiographies authored by their subjects.
  (C)        The facts that recorded in an
  autobiography are less important than the
  personal impressions of its author.
  (D)        The circumstances under which an
  autobiography was written should affect the
  way it is interpreted as literature.
  (E)        The autobiographies of African Americans
  written between 1760 and 1865 deserve more
  careful study than they have so far received.
  15. The information in the passage suggests that the role
  of the “editor”(line 23-24)is most like that of
  (A)        an artist who wishes to invent a unique method
  of conveying the emotional impact of a scene
  in a painting
  (B)        a worker who must interpret the instructions of
  an employer
  (C)        a critic who must provide evidence to support
  opinions about a play being reviewed
  (D)        an architect who must make the best use of a
  natural setting in designating a public building
  (E)        a historian who must decide how to direct the
  reenactment of a historical event
  16. Which of the following best describes the
  author’s opinion about applying literary analysis to
  edited autobiographies?
  (A)        The author is adamantly opposed to the
  application of literary analysis to edited
  (B)        The author is skeptical of the value of close
  analytical reading in the ease of edited
  (C)        The author believes that literary analysis of the
  prefaces, footnotes, and commentaries that
  accompany edited autobiographies would be
  more useful than an analysis of the text of the
  (D)        The author believes that an exclusively literary
  analysis of edited autobiographies is more
  valuable than a reading that emphasizes their
  historical import.
  (E)        The author believes that the literary analysis of
  edited autobiographies would enhance their
  linguistic, structural , and tonal integrity.
  17. The passage supports which one of the following
  statements about the readers of autobiographies of
  African American that were published between 1760
  And 1865?
  (A)        They were more concerned with the personal
  details in the autobiographies than with their
  historical significance.
  (B)        They were unable to distinguish between
  ghostwritten and edited autobiographies.
  (C)        They were less na?ve about the facts of slave
  life than are readers today.
  (D)        They presumed that the editing of the
  autobiographies did not affect their integrity.
  (E)        They had little interest in the moral integrity
  of the editors of the autobiographies.
  18. Which one of the following words, as it is used in the
  passage, best serves to underscore the author’s
  concerns about the authenticity of the
  autobiographies discussed?
  (A)        “ostensible”(line 2)
  (B)        “integrity”(line 18)
  (C)        “extraneous”(line27)
  (D)        “delimits”(line 39)
  (E)        “impolitic”(line 51)
  19. According to the passage , close analytic reading of
  an autobiography is appropriate only when the
  (A)        autobiography has been dictated to an
  experienced amanuensis-editor
  (B)        autobiography attempts to reflect the
  narrator’s thought in action
  (C)        autobiography was authored independently by
  its subject
  (D)        moral integrity of the autobiography’s editor is
  well established
  (E)        editor of the autobiography collaborated
  closely with its subject in its editing
  解析:19,细节题,找到题干中的close analytic reading在原文中的定位,我们发现在末段的倒数第2句,由independently找到答案(C)。前面我们也已经注意到了这个判断句的重要性,使得细节题的出现早在意料之中。
  20. It can be inferred that the discussion in the passage
  of Blassingame’s work primarily serves which one of
  the following purposes?
  (A)        It adds an authority’s endorsement to the
  author’s view that edited narratives ought to
  be treated as ghostwritten accounts.
  (B)        It provides an example of a mistaken emphasis
  in the study of autobiography.
  (C)        It presents an account of a new method of
  literary analysis to be applied to
  (D)        It illustrates the inadequacy of traditional
  approaches to the analysis of autobiography.
  (E)        It emphasizes the importance of the
  relationship between editor and narrator.
  解析:20题,in order to 变体,显然作者拿B做让步,拿他做靶子!看看否定的选项是(B)和(D),再比较,发现(D)讲的是不足,也就是说B的方向是对的,只是火候不足,显然是错的。答案是(B)。

  1.        单词记忆:每天5个LIST红宝书复习,早上进行,晚上睡觉前重新复习,蓝宝每天3个LIST,中午吃饭后进行,将认为需要特别记忆的类反关系描画出来,最后集中记忆。一直到考试结束,不可停止。强调:单词是关键!
  2.        题目练习:每天2套题,第一周每天一套90——94的国内真题和一套NO9的题目。以后到90——94分册全部做完,然后进入一周的总结和回顾阶段,接下来拿95——99的题目模考,但是该册中许多答案有争议,不必顾及,只是找感觉。
  3.        总结:将错题找出,分析统计,找到差距,写出原因,归类寻找共性的弱点,然后找到对应可以在考场上遇到后基本可以避免再错的措施,这是需要就解题技巧和题目出现特征等进行详细总结,这项工作的好与坏将直接决定分数的高低和最后是否正常发挥出最好水平,必须做,而且必须做好,做完美。
  4.        最后阶段,思考准备考试状态和心理调整,用PP3热身,不要在当天多喝水和吃太饱,杀吧!
  5.        重要提示:当今的GRE的VERBAL部分长文章如果翻页,即所有题目需要两页才完,翻过后如果又看到一篇长文章,千万记住:这篇文章只是刚才前面的一篇又“友好地”重印了一遍,是一样的!!!所以别管它,重新到前面的文章找标记!千万别以为有两篇长文章!

  类比题:E   B    C      填空题:E  A   A  C  C  E  C

  OICQ: 247374145

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