来源:优易学  2008-4-18 15:19:07   【优易学:教育考试门户网】   资料下载   学历书店

实战演练1  单项选择
    1. This magazine is very ____ with young people, who like its content and style.
    A. familiar  B. popular  C. similar   D. particular
    2. Emergency line operators must always ___ calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help.
    A. grow    B. appear    C. become   D. stay
    3. Despite such a big difference in _____ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the Chinese food as something special.
    A. point     B. idea    C. attitude     D. sight
    4. If the firms failed to make enough money, they would _____.
    A. close down         B. call off
    C. turn down          D. set off
    5. She devoted herself _____ to her research and it earned her a good reputation in her field.
    A. strongly   B. extremely  C. entirely   D. freely
    6. People try to avoid public transportation delays by using their own cars, and this _____ creates further problems.
    A. in short                B. in case
    C. in doubt               D. in turn
    7. If we can _____ our present difficulties, then everything should be all right.
    A. come across           B. get over
    C. come over             D. get off
    8. He began to take political science ___ only when he left school.
    A. strictly   B. truly   C. carefully   D. seriously
    9. Surely it doesn’t matter where the student associations get their money from; what ___ is what they do with it.
    A. counts   B. applies   C. stresses  D. functions
    10. Water can absorb and give off a lot of heat without big changes in temperature, thus creating a _____ environment.
    A. peaceful  B. sensitive  C. common  D. stable

参考答案:BDCAC   DBDAD  

      宏观态势  保持以往命制风格

实战演练2  完形填空:阅读下面短文,从四个选项中选出最佳选项。

     For most of us, it is not too difficult to correct a mistake. We say we are sorry, promise to  1  differently, and go on with no regrets. This is not  2  , though, of some  3  figures whose actions failed. They probably spent their  4  feeling regret.

     Napoleon, for example, wasn’t  5  being Emperor of France. He wanted to rule all Europe and, for a time, seemed to  6  . In the end, Napoleon “met his Waterloo”. He spent the rest of his life in exile(流放)on Alba. We can only  7  the regret he must have felt  8  on that small island.

     At the end of World War II, the Emperor of Japan must have regretted the  9  of Pearl Harbor(珍珠港). It brought to an end the Emperor’s  10  as a God to his people. It is  11  he didn’t not feel regret for his country’s actions when he learned of the  12  of the atomic(原子的)bomb. He had to feel regret when he had to announce his country’s  13  to his people.

     In our  14  country, a President left his office. President Nixon was deeply involved in(卷入) the Water Gate problem.  15  revealing(揭露)the action of his men, he tried to cover up the  16  . When it was revealed there were tapes  17  his involvement, he must have felt regret. If he had not tried to cover up the problem, he might never have had to leave office.

     It has been  18  for me to correct my mistakes so far. None of my behavior has had  19  effects. I will probably do things I will regret, but not, I hope, anything that cannot be correct or that has a serious consequence(后果)for  20  .

1. A.work            B.think              C.play          D. behave

2. A. true           B. wrong             C. same         D. right

3. A. powerful       B. particular      C. historical    D. excellent

4. A. times          B. days             C. periods          D. ages

5. A. amazed         B. satisfied       C. appreciated     D. concerned

6. A. win            B. succeed         C. realize         D. occur

7. A. imagine        B. detect          C. expect          D. relate

8. A. left           B. missing         C. lost            D. remaining

9. A. seizing        B. taking          C. bombing         D. exploding

10. A. job            B. position         C. role            D. post

11. A. understandable   B. unbelievable   C. unfortunately  D. unlikely

12. A. leaking        B. delivering     C. throwing         D. dropping

13. A. defeat         B. attack         C. loss             D. fail

14. A. great          B. own           C. industrial        D. hilly

15. A. Thanks to     B. Due to        C. Instead of        D. Except for

16. A. appearance   B. state       C. condition          D. situation

17. A. trying        B. testing      C. challenging        D. proving

18. A. wrong      B. exciting       C. easy               D. usual

19. A. desired      B. lasting        C. same             D. harmless

20. A. others       B. myself          C. friends       D. people



                  微观态势 稳中求变
    实战演练1  阅读理解:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
                     Dancing’s lots of fun

    Put down your pencil, set aside your textbook, turn on the music, get up and get down on the dance floor!

    That’s just what the Senior 1 students from Shijiazhuang No. 2 High School like to do in their spare time.

    Last week the 38 classes decided who had the best moves at an exciting group dance competition.

    Shi Shi, 16, and her classmates performed the Latin cha-cha. They choose this dance because they thought few classes would try such a passionate(热情的)and dramatic(剧烈的)style. Rounds of applause(掌声) showed their hours practice paid off.

    “We invited two junior school girls who attended a dancing school to teach us basic movements. Then we practiced to the music at lunchtime nad after school and for many hours at the weekend,” Shi said.

    To create an impressive scene, students carefully prepared their clothes.

    Wang Yupeng’s class rented Tibetan clothes from a store to perform a Tibetan dance.

   “The clothes helped us achieve the effect that we had expected. All my classmates tried their best because it was the last chance for us to do an activity together before finishing our first year of high school,” the 17-year-old said.

    Besides attractive costumes, doing the right moves was important, Luo Yu, 16, thinks.

    Her class took first place with their “Qianshou Guanyin”(千手观音)dance. The class monitor even saw a video on the Internet, of the dance as it was shown on CCTV’s Spring Festival evening party. “We watched the video many times and believed that our chance could be as impressive and touching as the one performed by the disabled people. We can hear the music and can dance to the drum beats(鼓点),” Luo said.

    Even though they were busy with their studies, the students had great fun and found a new way to relax.

    “It also made our body language beautiful and strengthened our communication and sense of teamwork,” Shi said.

1.Why did shi and her classmates performed the Latin cha-cha?

A. Because all of them liked the passionate style.

B. Because few classes chose to dance it.

C. Because they had learned it from two junior school girls.

D. Because it was easy to them.

2.How did Luo Yu learn to dance “Qianshou Guanyin”?

A. She learned it from a CCTV programme.

B. She learned it from a group of disabled people.

C. She learned it from a video on the Internet.

D. She learned from her class monitor.

3.Which class took first place in the dance competition?

A. Shi Shi’s class

B. Wang Yupeng’s class

C. Luo Yu’s class

D. The passage doesn’t mention it.

4.What did the students think of the dance competition?

A. Relaxing    B. Boring    C. Funny             D. Busy

实战演练2  书面表达




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