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来源:优易学  2010-1-18 10:09:06   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


  Man of Few Words
  Everyone chasessuccess,but not all of us want to be famous.
  South African writer JohnMaxwell Coetzee is _l_ for keeping himself to himself.
  1.A)unhappy B)wellknown C)busy D)worried
  1. B。分析:借助空格后的搭配结构介词for或介词for所在的介词短语的含义“自己不交际”判断B(出名的)是答案。
  keep oneself to oneself v.不交际
  behappy about [at] sth.因..而感到高兴
  be busy with [about, in]忙于..
  beworried about sth.担心..
  be well known/famous for..因为..而出名
  结合文章标题“说话很少的人”判断文章可能主要介绍 South African writer John MaxwellCoetzee。该文章是记叙文。
  2.A)catch B)come across C)run into D)bump into
  Whenthe 63-year—old was named the 2003 Nobel Prize winner for literature earlierthis month, reporters were warned that they would find him “particularlydifficult to _2_ ”
  如: I often bump into/ come across/ run into him at the supermarket.
  He was caught inthe act of stealing.他在行窃时被当场抓到
  I don't catch your meaning.我不明白你的意思
  3.A)influenced B)affected C)moved D)shocked
  Coetzee lives in Australia but spends part of the year teaching at theUniversity of Chicago. He seemed _3_ by the news he won the US$1.3 millionprize.“It came as a complete surprise.I wasn’t even aware they were due to makethe announcement.”he said.
  4.A)1ike B)devote C)love D)attract
  His _4_ ofprivacy (文章主题词)led to doubts as to whether Coetzee will attend the prize-givingin Stockholm,Sweden,on December 10.
  4. C。 分析:空格处需要名词,只有C能作名词也能作动词用。
  5.A)difficult B)easy C)ready D)eager
  But despite being described as_5_ to track down,the critics agree that his writing is easy to get to know.
  5. A。分析:A和B是正反义项,重点注意。借助空格所在结构含义“尽管被描述成。。被追踪到”并参考上文内容判断A是答案。“beingdescribed as difficult to track down”与前句中的“ they would find him “particularlydifficult to catch ”含义呼应。
  track down v.追捕到
  6.A)forced B)caused C)made D)did
  Born in Cape Town,South Africa,toall English-speaking family, Coetzee _6_ his breakthrough in 1980 with thenovel“Waiting for the Barbarians”.
  Make one’s breakthrough:创造了。。的突破性的成绩
  make one's living by n.靠...谋生
  make oneself understoodv.表达自己的意图
  do one's best v.尽全力
  7.A)kept B)listed C)took D)arranged
  He _7_ his place among the world’s leading writers with two Booker prizevictories,Britain’s highest honor for novels.
  7. C。分析:take 在这里是“获得”,如:
  The book takes its title from the Bible.该书书名得自于《圣经》
  take aseat.占有(占据)一个座位
  It takes money to live in that town. 要住那城市得花费不少
  takea train乘坐火车
  8.A)received B)obtained C)won D)had
  He first _8_ in 1983for the“Life and Times of Michael K”.and his second title came in 1999for“Disgrace”.
  9.A)Dealing B)HandlingC)Solving D)Removing
  10.A)in B)out C)of D)from
  A major theme in hiswork is South Africa’s former apartheid system.which divided whites from blacks._9_ with the problems of violence,crime and racial division that still exist inthe country, his books have enabled ordinary people to understandapartheid(种族隔离) _10_ within.
  Within n.内部, 里头adv.在内部, 在内心里 prep.在...之内, 不越出
  11.A)covers B)puts C)spreads D)casts
  “I have always been more interested in the past than the future。”he saidin a rare interview.“The past _11_ its shadow over the present.
  Spread n.伸展, 展开, 传播; v.伸展, 展开, 铺, 涂, 敷, 摆
  12.A)once B)twice C)thrice (三次) D)four times
  I hope I have made oneor two people think _12_ about whether they want to forget the past completely.”
  12.B. 分析:think twice( v.重新考虑)是固定搭配结构。
  13.A)written B)hiddenC)mirrored D)stricken
  In fact this purity in his writing seems to be _13_in his personal life.Coetzee is a vegetarian,a cyclist rather than a motoristand doesn’t drink alcohol.
  Strike n.罢工, 打击,殴打vt.打, 撞击,罢工, 划燃, 到达, 侵袭vi.打, 打击, 罢工
  14.A)contributed B)addedC)attributed D)created
  But what he has _14_ to 1iterature,culture and thepeople of South Africa is far greater than the things he has given up.
  15.A)tells B)says C)informs D)expresses
  “Inlooking at weakness and failure in 1ife,”the Nobel prize judging panelsaid,“Coetzee’s work _15_ the divine spark in man.”
  15.D.分析:借助被选项的搭配特点:tell sb. sth.; say sth../that..; inform sb. of sth./express sth.判断在搭配结构上B和D合适。在借助空格所在结构的含义“Coetzee的著作。。人们身上美好的东西”判断D(表达)合适。

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