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来源:优易学  2011-10-30 14:10:47   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


  Chronic(慢性的) diseases(疾病): the world’s leading (最主要的)killer

  Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are often the most preventable. Chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and lung disorders.

  The World HEALTH organization says chronic diseases lead to about seventeen million early deaths each year. The United Nations agency expects more than three hundred eighty million people to die of chronic diseases by two thousand fifteen. It says about eighty percent of the deaths will happen in developing countries.

  The WHO says chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia- Pacific area. In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically productive years. In fact, experts say chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people in poorer countries than in wealthier ones.

  The WHO estimates that chronic diseases will cost China alone more than five hundred million dollars in the next ten years. That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity. Russia and India are also expected to face huge economic losses.

  Kim Hak-Su is the head of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Last week in Bangkok he presented a W.H.O. report on the problem. It says deaths from chronic diseases have increased largely as the result of economic gains in man countries.

  The report details the latest findings from nine countries. They include Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, India, and Nigeria. The others are Pakistan, Russia and Tanzania.

  Mister Kim said infectious and parasitic diseases have until recently been the main killers in Asia and the Pacific. But he says they are no longer the major cause of death in most countries.

  Health officials say as many as eighty percent of deaths from chronic diseases could be prevented. They say an important tool for governments is to restrict the marketing alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity.

  U.N. officials aim through international action to reduce chronic-disease deaths by two percent each year through two thousand fifteen. They say meeting that target could save thirty-six million lives. That includes twenty-five million in Asia and the Pacific.

  1. How many people in developing countries are expected to die of chronic diseases by 2015?

  A. more than 17 million

  B. more than 380 million

  C. more than 304 million

  D. more than 25 million

  2. Due to chronic diseases China will face

  A. great pressure from other countries

  B. a limited economic market

  C. a shortage of the labor force

  D. huge economic losses

  3. Which can NOT be learned from the passage?

  A. many chronic-disease deaths are preventable

  B. chronic diseases are the major cause of death in most countries

  C. chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people than elderly people

  D.economic gains in many countries have contributed to chronic-disease deaths

  4. Until recently the main killers in Asia and the Pacific have been

  A. economic gains

  B. lost productivity

  C. chronic diseases

  D. infectious and parasitic diseases

  5. Which is Not mentioned as a way to prevent chronic-disease deaths?

  A. timely medical treatment

  B. healthy eating

  C. more physical activity

  D. reduction in drinking and smoking

  标准答案: C,D,C,D,A

  解析:Chronic(慢性的) diseases(疾病): the world’s leading killer

  1.C. 答案:细节题。利用问题中的特征词“by 2015”和细节信息结构“people in developing countries” 作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句:

  Chronic diseases are the leading cause of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are often the most preventable. Chronic diseases include heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes and lung disorders.

  (第2段)The World HEALTH organization says chronic diseases lead to about seventeen million early deaths each year. The United Nations(联合国) agency(机构)expects(预计) more than(比。。。多) three hundred eighty million(百万) people to die of(死于) chronic diseases by two thousand fifteen. It says about eighty percent of the deaths(死亡) will happen(发生) in developing countries.

  借助答案相关句的内容可知:380 * 80% = 304百万人将死于慢性疾病。

  2. D. 答案:B, D为有关系选项, 从中可能出答案。 利用问题句中的特征词China作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句:

  (第4段)The WHO (世界健康组织)estimates(估计) that chronic diseases will cost(花费) China alone(独自地, 单独的) more than(比。。。多) five hundred million(百万) dollars in the next (下一个的)ten years. That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity. Russia(俄国) and India(印度) are also expected (预计)to face(面临) huge economic losses.

  第4段最后一句提到“俄国和印度也被预计将面临巨大的经济损失”, 因此判断同一段落中提到的中国面临的问题也是巨大的经济损失。因此D是答案。

  3.C. 答案:C选项涉及典型细节信息词,因此可以首先对这个选项进行判断。

  (第3段)The WHO says chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia- Pacific area. In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically productive years. In fact(实际上), experts (专家)say chronic diseases are killing(杀死) more middle-aged people in poorer(更穷的) countries than in wealthier (更富有的)ones(代词, 指代国家). (与C不一致, 而且文章中的其他地方没有再提到“中年人”的情况, 因此判断C的内容在文章中没有呼应的内容)

  The WHO estimates that chronic diseases will cost alone more than five hundred million dollars in the next ten years. That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity. Russia and India are also expected to face huge economic losses.

  (第5段)Kim Hak-Su is the head of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. Last week in Bangkok he presented a W.H.O. report on the problem. It(报告) says deaths from (由于。。。造成的死亡)chronic diseases have increased(增加) largely(大大地, 主要地) as the result of(作为。。。的结果) economic gains in many countries(国家).(与D一致)

  4.答案:D。 可利用问题句中的特征词Asia和the Pacific作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句:

  (第7段) Mister Kim said infectious(传染性的) and parasitic(寄生虫的) diseases have until recently been the main killers in Asia and the Pacific. But he says they are no longer the major cause of death in most countries.


  5.A. 利用被选项中的细节信息结构作为答案线索, 在文章中查找答案相关句:

  (第8段)Health officials (健康官员)say as many as (与。。。一样多的, 多达)eighty percent of deaths from (因为。。造成的死亡)chronic diseases could be prevented(防止). They say (说)an important(重要的)tool(手段, 工具) for governments(政府) is to restrict (限制)the marketing(销售) alcohol and tobacco(烟草) to young people. Also(同样, 也), more programs(计划) are needed (需要)to urge(促进, 催促) healthy eating and more physical activity.





  Vitamins are organic compounds which are present in certain foods and are essential to the health of men and other animals. __1__. Without these substances, the breakdown and absorption of foods could not occur. Certain vitamins participate in the formation of blood cells, hormones, nervous system chemicals, and genetic materials. __2__.Fat-soluble vitamins include vitamins A,D,E and K. The water-soluble vitamins include vitamin C and the B-vitamin complex.

  Fat-soluble vitamins are usually absorbed with foods that contain fat. Excessive amounts of these vitamins are stored in the body's fat, the liver and kidneys. Because fat-soluble vitamins can be stored, they do not have to be consumed every day.

  __3__. A deficiency of vitamin A leads to skin changes and night blindness, or failure of the eye to adapt to the dark. Vitamin A can be obtained directly from foods of animal origin such as milk, eggs, and liver.__4__.

  Vitamin D acts muck like a hormone and regulates calcium and phosphorus absorption and metabolism. Some vitamin D is obtained from such foods as eggs, fish, liver, butter, and milk. But humans get most of their vitamin D from exposure of the skin to sunlight. A deficiency of vitamin D leads to bone problems.

  The role of vitamin E in the human body has not been established. ­­__5__ Vitamin E is found in seed oil and wheat.

  Vitamin K is necessary for the clotting of blood. It is produced in sufficient quantities by bacteria in the intestine, but is also provided by leafy green vegetables and eggs.

  The water-soluble vitamins, C and B complex, cannot be stored and therefore need to be consumed daily to satisfy the body's needs. Vitamin C is important in the formation and maintenance of connective tissue. It protects gums, skin, and mucous membranes. It is mainly found in fruits like oranges.

  B-complex vitamins serve a wide range of important metabolic functions and prevent some diseases. They are found mostly in the liver.

  A. Vitamins are classified into two groups, that is, the fat-soluble(溶解脂肪的) and the water-soluble(溶解水的) vitamins.

  B. Their functions are mainly to enhance the metabolism(新陈代谢) of proteins and fats.

  C. It is necessary for a healthy life.

  D. Vitamin A is essential for normal growth and for the health of epithelial cells.

  E. It has been popularly advocated for a great variety of diseases, but no clear evidence exists that it eases any specific disease.

  F. Vitamin A can also be obtained through eating green and yellow fruits and vegetables

  标准答案: B,A,D,F,E

  解析: 补全短文解题常用思路:

  1. 借助空格前后句句意进行判断;

  2. 如果空格所在的段落的段首句是观点句,可借助段首句的句意进行判断;

  3. 借助空格前后句中的核心词/核心结构与被选项中用词的呼应进行判断;

  4. 借助被选项中出现的逻辑词(逻辑连词,逻辑副词)判断空格前句可能的语意。

  5. 借助被选项中出现的人称代词,指示代词,定冠词结构在空格前句中寻找相呼应的内容,判断答案。

  6. 借助空格在段落中出现的位置猜测空格处的句子可能是具有的语意功能:在段首句/出现的句子可能是观点句/总结句/概括句;在段尾句中出现的句子可能是观点句/总结句/概括句/承上启下句;在文章最后一句中出现的句子往往是观点句或中心引申句。

  7. 观点句,举例句,语意转折句, 因果句等常常是考察点。



  2.A.A在句意上总领后面两句:后面两句分别是在对fat-soluble(溶解脂肪的) vitamins 和 water-soluble(溶解水的) vitamins进行解释。

  3.D. 该段的核心词(反复出现词)是vitamin A,而后句谈到vitamin A缺乏会造成的问题。在句意上与后句句意相关:一正(功效)一反(缺乏的后果)。

  4.F.前句说到Vitamin A能如何被获得,而F在句意上与之相呼应:谈及Vitamin A“还能”怎样被获得。

  5.E. 空格前句说vitamin E在人体中的功能还没有被确认,后句说vitamin E在哪里能找到,同C相比,E更合理:E的句意也是表明vitamin E的“不确定的”功效,在句意上前后承接,而C只是笼统的说vitamin E是有必要的。

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