来源:优易学  2011-4-22 19:08:44   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店





  "Look at this, it is really delicious. This time, I guarantee you, it is not spicy." I proudly pointed at the pig's feet braised in soy sauce, revelling in my own achievement. "Come on, please try one!" I encouraged her, but terrified, she ran away. "Darling, please don't disappoint me! I've spent three hours cooking it!" Salivating myself, I tried to hold her back. She desperately struggled, loudly protesting: "Horrible! I am afraid of your pig's feet. Anyhow there is absolutely nothing to eat apart from bone and disgusting skin! Have mercy, please!"

  “瞧瞧下一道菜,真香!这次我保证它不辣。” 我指着红烧猪蹄,得意洋洋,自我陶醉。“来来,尝尝这一块!” 我继续鼓励她。但夫人大惊失色,放下筷子就跑。“亲爱的,你可不要辜负我的心意。那可是我整整花了三个小时才烧出来的!” 我一边拦她,一边忍不住吞清口水。夫人拼命挣扎并大声抗议:“真恐怖!我怕你的猪蹄。况且猪蹄除了骨头就是那倒人胃口的皮,你到底叫我吃什么?请放我一马!”

  Unfortunately my Sichuan food turned out to be a fiasco. During the whole week, my wife was full of complaints, saying that my masterpiece had turned a gentle, quiet beauty into a toilet sprinter. However my Sichuan style Chinese food made me extremely happy. During the whole week, in the kitchen, I chewed the remaining pig's ear and feet with relish, swallowed with gusto the bean curd and the Yuxiang pork thread. I enjoyed my spicy Sichuan food so much that my face was covered with red spots and my stomach was burnt. Of course, when I was devouring all these delicacies, my civilised wife never showed up, reluctant to see the pig's ear and feet and admire her husband's ravenous look.


  From then on, I actively followed the supreme instruction from Chairman Mao, who had illuminated my childhood, "eliminate the false and retain the true, discard the dross and select the essential". I started to eliminate without mercy all those delicacies appreciated by the Chinese such as viscera, the feet and wings of chickens and ducks, the heads and tails of fish and, at the same time, started to replace them by the meats preferred by the Western bourgeois such as lamb, beef and chicken, thus following another of Mao's supreme instructions: "make foreign things serve China, make the past serve the present." Today my Sichuan food has "pacifically" evolved into a Sino-French food, light, natural, good to look at and it has been accepted by my wife and by my mother-in-law. After having manipulated with their knives and forks for a whole week, it happens that they suddenly recall my improved masterpiece, meatball, stir-fried cabbage, sweet and sour spare ribs, rice. If I offer it once a week, they will praise it with winsome smiles on their faces; however, if I offer it twice a week, they will frown and inwardly moan and groan; if I offer it three times a week, they will glare at me, ready to explode; if I offer it four times a week, they will wipe out their Chinese chef without mercy.


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