来源:优易学  2011-9-29 10:53:25   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
中国首都北京大力消杀病媒生物,防止在下个月中共建国60周年庆典期间爆发疾病。 官方新华社说,北京卫生当局上个月进行了几次统一病媒生物控制,主要是要消灭 老鼠、蚊子、苍蝇和蟑螂。

报导援引卫生官员曾晓凡的话说,北京希望参加十一国庆活动的群众不被蚊子咬, 不传染流行病。曾晓凡说,当局担心老鼠可能会把电缆咬断,蚊子可能对人群叮咬、 骚扰。

北京市疾病预防控制中心已经多次在夜间对天安门广场、毛主席纪念堂及其周围街 道的病媒生物进行消杀行动。新华社说,本月还将进行更多的病媒生物消杀行动。

**Beijing Wages War on Pests Ahead of National Day

China is trying to eradicate pests in the capital, Beijing, to prevent outbreaks of disease during festivities for the communist government's 60th anniversary next month.The official Xinhua news agency says Beijing health authorities conducted several extermination sweeps last month targeting rats, mosquitoes, flies and cockroaches.

It quotes health official Zeng Xiaofan as saying Beijing wants to ensure that participants in National Day celebrations on October 1 are free of epidemics and bites. Zeng says authorities worry that rats could eat electric cables and mosquitoes "could bite and annoy people," as he put it.

Beijing's Center for Disease Control and Prevention has been carrying out the extermination raids during night-time hours in Tiananmen Square, the adjacent Mao Zedong mausoleum and surrounding streets. Xinhua says more operations are planned this month.

