来源:优易学  2011-12-18 11:12:14   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店


原文:Benin confirms H5N1 virus in two bird flu cases


        在星期天晚些时候的一次声明中,Robert Dovonou部长说,意大利一家实验室的试验结果已经证实本月初在首都Porto Novo北部和商业之都Cotonou一个农场所发现的病例所感染的是H5N1病毒.




        贝尔湾的东邻尼日利亚是当地受禽流感侵袭最严重的国家之一,Saharn Africa已经证实今年年初有人死于这种病毒.


根据世界卫生组织报告,自从2003年禽流感病毒再度出现在香港后,全世界已有二百多人死于这种病毒,主要是在亚洲.  禽流感在非洲爆发已经发出了警报因为流行病学家担心非洲大陆广泛的贫困缺少专业的兽医医疗设备以及巨大的缺乏管理的牧场会使禽流感的爆发长久的不引起重视,同时增加了病毒变异的风险.


Two outbreaks of bird flu among poultry in Benin are the deadly H5N1 strain, the agriculture minister of the small West African state said.

In a statement late on Sunday, Minister Robert Dovonou said test results from a laboratory in Italy confirmed the H5N1 virus in the cases discovered earlier this month north of the capital Porto Novo and on a farm in the commercial capital Cotonou.

When the suspected outbreaks were first announced by the government on December 7, health ministry officials said several hundred birds were slaughtered as a precautionary measure in a 5 km (3 mile) radius around the two separate locations. All farms within a 9 mile radius were also disinfected.

The import of poultry was banned and restrictions on the movement of birds between farms imposed.

"The tests carried out on samples sent last week to Italy have shown positive ... The two suspect locations are indeed infected by the group A and type H5N1 flu virus," Dovonou said.

Benin's eastern neighbor, Nigeria, has been one of the countries worst affected by bird flu in the region, reporting sub-Saharan Africa's first confirmed human death from the disease early this year.

Its western neighbor, Togo, declared its first outbreak of the most deadly strain of avian influenza in June and has since found new cases.

H5N1 bird flu has killed more than 200 people around the world, mainly in Asia, since the disease re-emerged in Hong Kong in 2003, according to the World Health Organization.
Outbreaks in Africa have raised alarm bells because epidemiologists fear the continent's widespread poverty, lack of proper veterinary and medical facilities and huge informal farming sector could allow outbreaks to go unnoticed for longer, increasing the risk of the virus mutating.

