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  中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
  Join Hands to Address Climate Challenge
  Statement by H.E. Hu Jintao
  President of the People’s Republic of China
  At the Opening Plenary Session of
  The United Nations Summit on Climate Change
  New York, 22 September 2009



  Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, Dear Colleagues,
  Today, world leaders are gathered at the United Nations to discuss ways to tackle climate change. This is of great significance for catalyzing strong action by the international community to meet this global challenge.
  Global climate change has a profound impact on the existence and development of mankind, and is a major challenge facing all countries. In the last 37 years, from Stockholm to Rio de Janeiro, and from Kyoto to Bali, we have made concerted efforts and achieved notable progress in protecting the global environment and tackling climate change. This is a historic process, through which all countries have deepened their understanding, built consensus and stepped forward to meet the challenge. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Kyoto Protocol have now been universally recognized as the primary channel to address climate change. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities has been established as the basis for closer international cooperation. And sustainable development and harmony between man and nature has become the common goal of all parties.
  Climate change is an issue arising in the course of human development. It is associated with both natural factors and human activities. It is an environmental issue, but also, and more importantly, a development issue, as it is closely connected with the development stage, way of life, size of population and resource endowment of different countries and their places in the international division of labor. In the final analysis, we should and can only advance efforts to address climate change in the course of development and meet the challenge through common development.
  At stake in the fight against climate change are the common interests of the entire world, and the development interests and people’s well-being of the vast number of developing nations in particular. It is imperative to give full consideration to the development stage and basic needs of developing countries in addressing climate change. Both their historical and per capita emissions are low. Due to their low development level and shortage of capital and technology, developing countries have limited capability and means to deal with climate change. And they have to bear a large amount of transferred emission as they are placed at the lower end of the international industrial chain in the process of economic globalization. For developing countries, the top priority now is to grow economy, eradicate poverty and improve livelihood. The international community should pay close attention to the predicament of developing countries, especially the small island states, the least developed countries, landlocked countries and African countries. It is important to listen to their voice and respect their wishes, and combine our efforts to address climate change with those to promote the growth of developing countries and build up their own dynamism for development and ability for sustainable development.
  Dear Colleagues,
  To address climate change and achieve sustainable development is an urgent and long-term task for all of us. It bears on the living environment of mankind and the development prospects of all countries, and calls for the unremitting efforts of the whole world. In this connection, let me highlight a few principles we need to follow in our common endeavor to tackle climate change:
  First, fulfilling respective responsibilities should be at the core of our effort. The principle of common but differentiated responsibilities embodies the consensus of the international community. Adherence to this principle is critical to keeping international cooperation on climate change on the right track. Both developed and developing countries should take active steps to tackle climate change. We should act in keeping with the provisions of the UNFCCC and its Kyoto Protocol and advance negotiations under the Bali Roadmap in real earnest. Developed countries should fulfill the task of emission reduction set in the Kyoto Protocol, continue to undertake substantial mid-term quantified emission reduction targets, and support developing countries in countering climate change. Developing countries should, in the light of their national conditions and with the financial and technological support of developed countries, work hard to adapt to climate change and do their best to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  Second, achieving mutual benefit and win-win outcome should be the goal of our effort. Climate change respects no national borders, and no country is immune from it. To counter this challenge requires the whole-hearted cooperation and coordinated actions of the international community. Developed countries should support developing countries in tackling climate change. This is not only their responsibility, but also serves their long-term interest. We should foster the idea that helping others is helping oneself and make our endeavor on climate change a win-win for both developed and developing countries and a win-win for both the interests of individual countries and the common interests of humanity.
  Third, promoting common development should be the basis of our effort. Developing countries need to strike a balance between economic growth, social development and environmental protection, strengthen capacity for sustainable development and avoid the old path of "polluting first and cleaning up later". They should not, however, be asked to take on obligations that go beyond their development stage, responsibility and capabilities. Without common development, particularly the development of developing countries, there cannot be a broad and solid basis in the long run for tackling climate change

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