来源:优易学  2010-1-21 18:11:49   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
 1. Unlike a judge, who must act alone, a jury discusses a case and then reaches its decision as a group, thus minimizing the effect of ---bias.
    (A) legal
    (B) professional
    (C) individual
    (D) unexpected
    (E) unarticulated
    2. One reason why pertinent fossils are ---is that crucial stages of evolution occurred in the tropics where it is difficult to explore for fossils, and so their discovery has ----.
    (A) unique... resulted
    (B) unconcealable.. declined
    (C) uncommon.. lagged
    (D) recent.. resumed
    (E) prominent .. failed
    3. The harmonious accommodation reached by the warring factions exemplifies the axiom that --is possible among people of goodwill, even when they have previously held quite ---perspectives.
    (A) candor.. indistinguishable
    (B) tension.. congenial
    (C) agreement.. unequivocal
    (D) compromise.. antagonistic
    (E) coexistence.. fixed
    4. The prime minister tried to act but the plans were ---by her cabinet.
    (A) frustrated
    (B) discussed
    (C) embellished
    (D) overlooked
    (E) unleashed
    5. Amid the collapsing or out-of-control mechanical devices, the belching volcano had a disturbingly---quality, like a character who has stumbled onstage by mistake.
    (A) anomalous
    (B) overwrought
    (C) obdurate
    (D) ephemeral
    (E) derelict
    6. It is an error to regard the imagination as a mainly ---force; if it destroys and alters, it also---hitherto isolated beliefs, insights, and mental habits into strongly unified systems.
    (A) visionary.. conjures
    (B) beneficial.. converts
    (C) revolutionary.. fuses
    (D) negative.. shunts
    (E) synthetic.. integrates
    7. The semantic ---of ancient documents is not unique; even in our own time, many documents are difficult to decipher.
    (A) aspect
    (B) pattern
    (C) opacity
    (D) intention
    (E) erudition
    (A) pipe: plumber
    (B) crop: farmer
    (C) grease: mechanic
    (D) game: hunter
    (E) axe: woodcutter
    (A) political.. anarchy
    (B) promiscuous: chaos
    (C) rumpled: wrinkle
    (D) strategic: logic
    (E) erratic: consistency
    10. FERVOR: ZEALOT::
    (A) anger: critic
    (B) wisdom: convert
    (C) doubt: skeptic
    (D) caution: philosopher
    (E) fearlessness: investor

