来源:优易学  2010-2-26 13:16:00   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
考试日期: 2010.02.21
是否重复 重复北美08年06月28日考题
题号 内容
Question 1 who you want to spend time with? explain why
Question 2 Do you think student should study in quiet place? why?
Question 3 Reading part Listening part
学校新规定要literature student write long thesis 理由一: students will do more research. 理由二: student will have the opportunity to communicate with advisors, then their academic ability will be improved. 男学生同意学校的决定,因为: 1. though students have written lots of thesis, the thesis are mainly short ones. 2. the decision really offers students to keep in touch and communicate deeply with their advisor about their study, as students don't have enough opportunity to contact with advisors. then, the boy feel so confident that he can really write good thesis, through this way. $ j
Question:Explain the man’s opinion towards the school announcement and why he holds that opinion.
Question 4 Reading part Listening part
孩子跟父母双向影响的 bidirectionality,有些人认为家长对孩子造成影响,但事实上影响是相互的,即baby会影响parents的行为,parents的行为也会影响baby。" O$ V e9 n, R 比如有对夫妇,有个baby叫max,max is a happy boy.经常smile。Max是怎么通过自己的行为来影响老爸老妈的行为的呢?Max经常笑,所以老爸老妈也会以笑回应,Max需要physical contact ,老爸老妈就会经常抱他,Max需要交流,老爸老妈就会和他交流。反之,老爸老妈笑了,Max就会笑的更多,多抱了就M就会要更需要More physical contact,被交流多了也会交流更多。
Question 5 【学生困难】:男生想办个poetry reading 在coffee house, 但是coffee house 只能提供一个小时,一共有二十个人报名, 在一个小时里不可能reading完【解决方案】: 女孩建议: 1. 只让先报名的十名同学来reading 但是 会让其他人disappointed 2. 换一个lecture house, which is available entire evening 但是可能大家就没有东西吃了【问题】:Briefly summarize the problem and two possible solutions. Then state which solution you recommend and explain why.
Question 6 insect相互之间发出一种chemical information 这个东西有两种用法 1找location eg: bee外出找食物 回来就靠家里的bee发出的这玩意儿 2 找mate eg: female mouse找mate, male ones 就知道female要找mate了, 并且知道female在哪

