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来源:优易学  2011-11-11 21:12:43   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店




  ① For years, …had been viewed as… But people are taking a fresh look now. With the growing/ development of…, people…

  ② People used to think that… (In the past, …) But people don’t share this view now.

  ③ It is a tradition/ custom/ practice/ traditional way… But now/in recent decades things have changed.


  It is a custom for Chinese to get married with a person with the same family background, regardless of the fact they may actually do not love each other. But in the recent decades things have changed. Chinese young people now tend to consider love to be the only factor to decide whether they will get married with someone or not.





  ① Should/ What…? Opinions of/ Attitudes towards/ Answers to… vary widely/ greatly/ from person to person. Some… are favor of/ view/ regard/ think of… Others believe/ argue/ claim…

  ② “Why do/ have …?” Many … often ask/ pose the question like this.

  ③ One of the basic/ hot topic facing our society is : What/Why …?

  ④ How do you think of the problem of …? In seeking answer to this question, …

  ⑤ Why is there a … in society? It is no easy task to identify the causes for it.


  “Why do we have to learn Engl

  ish while it may be useless after graduation?” Many college students often ask the question like this. Surely it is because they haven’t realized the importance of English. They do not know in the international communication, English is always the language to be used.





  ① One of the great/ early writers/ philosophers/ scientists said/ wrote/ remarked, “…”If this is true/ the case, then the present/ current view/ value/ attitude/ situation should make us wonder whether…/ ponder over…

  ② “…” The same idea/ complaint/ attitude is voiced/ echoed/ shared by…

  ③ “…” How often we hear/ We are used to hearing/ Many people have heard(such) statement/ words/ complaint like/ as this/ those.

  ④ There is an old/ popular saying/ proverb which goes that…. The truth of it is profound and significant./ Under its simplified cover, a truth is ironically pointed out, that is, …

  ⑤ One great … had ever said/ once remarked, “…”Now it still has a realistic/ profound significance./ Now it is still working in our modern society./ Now more and more people share this belief./ The remark is still confirmed by people in today’s society./ the remark has been shared by generations./ The view has been echoed by many …

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