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来源:优易学  2011-12-4 23:25:00   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店

77. A) structures B) religions

  C) schools D) conceptions

  78. A) from B) for

  C) against D) versus

  79. A) preserving B) curing

  C) recovering D) restoring

  80. A) terminal B) personal

  C) marginal D) external

  81. A) series B) train

  C) chain D) succession

  Part Ⅵ Translation (5 minutes)

  Directions: Complete the sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets. Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2.

  82. If you take this kind of medicine three times a day, it________________________ (可以治愈你的胃病).

  83. Instead of waiting to be asked, you should ________________________ (主动开始谈话).

  84. The police ________________________ (正在搜寻一个蓄着胡子的年轻人),but they haven't found him till now.

  85. These courses ________________________ (使我具备了必要的知识)for more advanced studies in Chemistry.

  86. My brother is seriously ill, so I beg to________________________ (请一周的假).



  【审题与构思】① 审题及布局。这篇作文根据提纲,可以分为三个段落写作。可以根据自己对这三个方面的了解程度决定详写和略写的段落。第一段说明一些城市政府实施多项举措降低公共交通票价,大力发展公共交通的情况,如果要把这一段作为详写的段落,可以列举城市政府采取的一些具体的措施。第二段写发展公共交通带来的好处,可以写人们的交通费用降低,同时也可以叙述随着越来越多的人出门乘坐公共交通工具,降低了私家车的出行频率,从而能缓解交通和环境问题。第三段写如何响应政府的号召,最好的方法就是尽量在出行时,使用公共交通工具。②语言。注意段落之间、句子之间的衔接,从而使其成为一个表达清晰,符合逻辑的整体。


  The Decrease of Public Transportation Ticket Fare

  Recently, ① some municipal governments have taken a series of measures to develop public transportation including decreasing public transportation ticket fare. ② On the one hand, they strengthen financial support to public transportation companies. On the other hand, IC cards are issued to offer discount of subway and bus ticket fare.

  The benefits can be seen obviously. ③ One advantage is that the daily transportation expense is reduced. Due to the low prices, more and more people are willing to go out by public vehicles with less cars streaming in the street, ④ the street is clearer and the air is cleaner.

  ⑤ To my mind, traveling via public vehicles is the best way to respond to governments' appeal. Besides, trying to make every trip efficient and reducing the frequency of vehicles is also a good answer.


  ②用On the one hand 和On the other hand,清晰地表明一些城市政府采取的具体措施。


  ④分别用了clear "无堵塞的"和clean"清洁的",用词简单而生动,说明政府的举措有利于解决交通问题和污染问题。


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