来源:优易学  2010-1-18 9:45:08   【优易学:中国教育考试门户网】   资料下载   外语书店
Key to Exercises of Unit 7
Ⅰ. Multiple Choices:
1-5 baccd   6-10  abdad  11-15 cbcaa
Ⅱ. Identify and Correct the error in each sentence:
1. in → by  2. irrevocably → irrevocable  3. against → covers against  4. it ⅹ
5. with → in 6. preparing →prepared  7. rising →arising  8. we can → can we
9. stipulating →stipulated  10. covering →covered
Ⅲ. Fill in blanks with the proper words:
1. have   2. for   3. be   4. had   5. in   6. settled   7. with   8. have    9. an     10.
11. are   12. be 13. be  14. if   15. allow  16. to  17. receiving 18. request  19. have
20. in
Ⅳ. Put the following English into Chinese:
1. telegraphic transfer(电汇)
2. statement of account(结算表)
3. accepted draft(已承兑汇票)
4. draw on(向…开出汇票)
5. prohibit transshipment(禁止转船)
6. in payment of (支付…的款项)
7. on one’s own account(为自己的利益,自负盈亏)
8. credit standing(资信状况)
9. open account terms(赊帐交易条件)
10. at one’s figure (按某人的价格)
Ⅴ. Put the following sentences into Chinese:
1、谨告我方已通过中国银行开出 45 天的远期汇票,请备款以兑付。
3、我们曾要求你们支付我们 8 月 10 日发票金额,但一直未得到你们回复,所以我们 只得请你们在本月底以前汇付已到期得这笔款项。
4、除非我们在 3 月底以前收到你们金额支付得支票,我们将不得不采取行动强制你们 付款。
5、为支付这批订货,我们已通过伦敦巴克莱斯银行开出金额为 45,000英镑得不可撤 销得保兑信用证。
6、我们已通过纽约花旗银行开出第 GB418 号不可撤销信用证,据此,你们可向我们 开出 30 天远期汇票。
7、附上售货结算表,尚有结欠差额 3,450 美元。
8、请通知受益人,我们将改第 CB828 号信用证为 1,000 箱货物,而不是 500 箱。
9、 第 A-1104 号销售合同明确规定, 这笔交易得佣金为3%, 但我们发现你们第 GF-1004 信用证要求支付 5%得佣金,这显然与合同不符。 因此,请将信用证改为“佣金 3%” 。
10、我们发现信用证规定发票要由你们领事证明,这无法接受,因为你们国家在此并 无领事。
Ⅵ. Put the following sentences into English:
1.The request for easier payment terms is compelled by their funds being tied up in numerous commitments.
2 . We regret that we can not accept D/P after the goods arrive the port of destination.
3 . If you agree to pay by sight L/C, we might come to terms.
4. In view of the long standing friendly relations we exceptionally accept D/P at 60 days sight.
5. In no case will the middleman purchase the goods on his own account.
6. An importer from Sweden requests us to ship a parcel of shipment for trial on D/A terms.
7. In order to ensure immediate shipment we enclose herewith a bank draft for the amount of $3,000.
8. Today we informed our bank to send you all the amount by T/T, upon receipt of which please reply.
9. Please credit the amount to our Account No.1008 after deducting the commissions payable to you.
10 . Your draft of March 12 has been accepted and will be honored at maturity

